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. 2022 Oct 26;289(1985):20221189. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2022.1189

Table 1.

Competing-cost pairs (CCPs) were established for seven of the eight participants for which this was feasible. The presence of a CCP was determined by comparing the mean crouch and pre-transition incline's percentage change from upright (normal) walking on a 0% incline for: (i) metabolic power (Cmet,P) and the mean of the squared activations (C¯a2), (ii) Cmet,P and the maximal muscle activation (C¯a,max) and (iii) Cmet,P and the volume-weighted muscle activations (C¯a,vol). The pre-transition incline is defined as the steepest incline that was selected over crouch. *Significant difference (p < 0.05) between the crouch and pre-transition incline trials for participants with a CCP (n = 7).

participant ID pre-transition incline % Cmet,P (%)
C¯a2 (%)
C¯a,max (%)
C¯a,vol (%)
crouch pre-transition incline crouch pre-transition incline CCP established? crouch pre-transition incline CCP established? crouch pre-transition incline CCP established?
1 12 172.5 189.5 566.0 290.8 Y 292.2 196.8 Y 167.1 125.7 Y
2 18 226.4 236.3 1382.3 794.3 Y 575.9 399.7 Y 308.1 236.9 Y
3 18 229.9 266.9 1410.1 799.4 Y 533.8 463.1 Y 222.5 161.4 Y
4 12 137.6 182.5 605.2 373.1 Y 429.4 227.2 Y 169.5 155.9 Y
5 18 170.9 200.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA
6 12 204.9 202.5 1409.4 454.2 N 747.6 368.4 N 239.7 154.4 N
7 18 174.6 245.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA
8 18 137.6 199.3 284.4 211.4 Y 219.5 165.6 Y 166.9 143.4 Y
9 18 169.6 215.9 584.3 308.0 Y 380.7 249.3 Y 198.8 156.8 Y
10 18 160.1 217.0 469.2 359.1 Y 297.3 233.9 Y 167.2 154.2 Y