(a) Hypothetical changes in chemical potential, Δμ,
with synthesis progress, adapted from the IZT concept proposed8 for different growth solutions (α and β)
and zeolite products (FAU and GIS). Growth mixture α refers
to the nominal synthesis condition resulting in a FAU-to-GIS transformation.
Growth mixture β is the supernatant of the previous mixture
extracted at a time corresponding to full FAU crystallinity prior
to the onset of GIS nucleation, where continued heating results in
direct crystallization of GIS. (b, c) Time-resolved powder XRD patterns
of solids extracted from growth mixtures β (b) and α (c).
Select peaks of FAU, GIS-P2, and impurity phases are indicated by
green, purple, and orange circles, respectively. (d, e) Scanning electron
micrographs of GIS-P2 products obtained after 7 days of hydrothermal
treatment of growth mixtures (d) α and (e) β. Scale bars
represent 1 μm.