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. 2022 Oct 20;12(20):2860. doi: 10.3390/ani12202860
AHP Air heat pump
AI Artificial intelligence
ANN Artificial neural networking
ANOVA Analysis of variance
AQS Ambient air quality standards
BHE Bore hole exchanger
BWG Body weight gain
Cc CO2 concentration
COP Coefficient of performance
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Cp Specific heat (kcal/kg °C)
Ec Electricity consumption
ET Expression trees
FA Formaldehyde
FCR Feed conversion ratio
FCU Fan coil unit
FI Feed intake
G Solar radiation
GEP Gene expression programming
GER Geothermal energy resources
GHG Greenhouse gas
GHP Geothermal heat pump
GHPS Combined geothermal heat pump and solar system
H Humidity
HI Heating load
H2S Hydrogen sulphide
KOPIA Korean Photovoltaic Industry Association
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt hour
M Mass flow rate (kg/h)
MAE Mean absolute error
NH3 Ammonia
NRE New renewable energy
Pc Concentration of PM2.5
PM2.5 Particulate matter
R Correlation coefficient
RER Renewable energy resource
RMSE Root mean square value
SE Solar energy
SPSS Statistical package for social science
T Temperature
Tm Mean collector temperature
Ta Ambient temperature
TVOC Total volatile organic compounds
ΔT Inlet˗outlet temperature difference (°C)
V Ventilation rate
α1 Coefficient of first-order heat loss
α2 Coefficient of second-order heat loss
µ General mean
αij Effect of treatment
eij Random error
Yij Response variable
ƞcollector Solar collector efficiency
ƞo Optical efficiency