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. 2022 Oct 19;12(20):2838. doi: 10.3390/ani12202838

Table 2.

Mean weekly feed, drinking fluids and TA consumption, total intake of Pb and Cd for 6 and 12 weeks of exposure.

Treatment Mean Weekly Fluids Consumption, mL Mean Weekly TA Consumption, g Mean Weekly Feed Consumption, g Total Intake of Pb, mg/kg BW Total Intake of Cd, mg/kg BW
1–6 Weeks 7–12 Weeks 1–6 Weeks 7–12 Weeks 1–6 Weeks 7–12 Weeks 1–6 Weeks 7–12 Weeks 1–6 Weeks 7–12 Weeks
Experiment 1
Control 125.7 b 158.2 b 0.00 a 0.00 a 125.7 158.2 163.2 b 141.0 b 22.85 19.74 ab
0.5% TA 128.3 b 162.2 b 0.64 b 0.81 b 128.3 162.2 157.1 ab 143.4 b 22.00 20.07 b
1% TA 124.8 b 163.7 b 1.25 c 1.64 c 124.8 163.7 152.2 ab 149.2 b 21.31 20.89 b
1.5% TA 131.0 b 160.5 b 1.97 d 2.41 d 131.0 160.5 153.6 ab 145.7 b 21.51 20.40 b
2% TA 132.8 b 167.5 b 2.66 f 3.35 f 132.8 167.5 152.7 ab 145.7 b 21.38 20.42 b
2.5% TA 98.50 a 122.2 a 2.46 e 3.06 e 98.50 122.2 150.0 a 126.2 a 21.00 17.66 a
Experiment 2
Control 147.9 ab 167.5 b 0.00 a 0.00 a 141.0 a 157.4 c 200.7 a 164.0 b 23.17 ab 19.28 ab
BT 136.7 a 152.1 a 2.74 b 3.04 b 148.0 ab 150.2 b 221.5 b 153.0 a 25.78 b 17.85 a
GT 139.5 a 158.4 ab 2.79 b 3.17 bc 147.0 ab 151.8 b 228.5 b 163.3 b 26.57 b 20.20 b
RT 155.4 b 164.8 b 3.11 c 3.30 c 145.0 ab 140.3 a 207.2 a 170.7 bc 22.74 a 17.60 a
WT 151.9 b 163.4 b 3.04 c 3.27 c 153.0 b 146.7 ab 214.3 ab 172.3 c 25.08 ab 18.00 a

TA—tannic acid; BT—black tea; GT—green tea; RT—red tea; WT—white tea; BW—body weight; a, b, c, d, e, f means different superscripts in the same rows differ significantly at p < 0.05 by Duncan’s test.