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. 2022 Sep 23;11(10):1389. doi: 10.3390/biology11101389

Table 4.

Growth and development of Aldrovanda vesiculosa main shoots depending on the concentration of the media and nitrogen compounds.

MS Concentration Nitrogen Concentration Number of Regenerating Explants (%) Main Shoot Length (mm) Mean for Medium Main Shoot Weight (mg) Mean for Medium
MS 2N 0 - - -
1N 0 -
1/2N 93 22.73 d * 32.63 ab
1/2 MS 2N 45 20.5 d 23.56 C 20.18 b 31.86 A
1N 95 22.24 d 29.39 b
1/2N 100 26.26 c 39.66 a
1/5 MS 2N 97.5 22.56 d 27.96 B 18.18 c 26.15 BC
1N 60 31.77 ab 31.84 ab
1/2N 100 29.50 bc 28.35 b
1/10 MS 2N 100 30.85 ac 31.66 A 29.12 b 30.38 AB
1N 100 35.64 a 32.27 ab
1/2N 100 28.49 bc 29.75 b
Mean for nitrogen concentration 2N—22.91 B
1N—27.61 A
1/2N—26.75 A
2N—20.64 C
1N—28.73 B
1/2N—32.62 A

* Means followed by the same letter in columns do not differ significantly at α = 0.05. MS, 1/2MS, 1/5MS, 1/10MS represent the Murashige and Skoog medium concentration, 2N, 1N, and 1/2N represent the NH4NO3 + KNO3 concentration of the MS formulation.