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. 2022 Sep 23;11(10):1389. doi: 10.3390/biology11101389

Table 5.

Growth and development of Aldrovanda vesiculosa lateral shoots depending on the concentration of the media and nitrogen compounds.

MS Concentration Nitrogen Concentration Number of Explants with Lateral Shoots (%) Number of Lateral Shoots Mean for Medium Length of Lateral Shoots (mm) Mean for Medium Weight of Lateral Shoots (mg) Mean for Medium
MS 2N - - 1.15 - 8.18 B - 13.75
1N - - - -
1/2N 50.0 1.15 a * 8.18 ab 13.75 ab
1/2 MS 2N 47.0 1.25 a 1.24 7.60 ab 8.03 B 5.62 ab 16.82
1N 55.3 1.09 a 8.13 ab 12.76 ab
1/2N 44.7 1.41 a 8.12 ab 25.78 a
1/5 MS 2N 25.6 1.10 a 1.48 6.64 ab 11.95 9.32 ab 19.29
1N 60.0 1.50 a 12.61 a 23.36 a
1/2N 79.5 1.58 a 12.65 a 19.63 a
1/10 MS 2N 53.8 1.05 a 1.11 13.27 a 13.70 13.69 ab 15.50
1N 66.7 1.19 a 15.0 a 15.90 ab
1/2N 41.0 1.06 a 13.53 a 17.21 ab
Mean for nitrogen concentration 2N—0.87

* Means followed by the same letter in columns do not differ significantly at α = 0.05. MS, 1/2MS, 1/5MS, 1/10MS represent the Murashige and Skoog medium concentration, 2N, 1N, and 1/2N represent the NH4NO3 + KNO3 concentration of the MS formulation.