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. 2022 Sep 7;92(6):796–804. doi: 10.2319/031022-210.1

Table 2.

Summary of Data Extracted From Selected Studiesa

Author, Year
Age Range, y
Sample Size
CVM Method Used
Reference Standards/Comparisons
1 Kim et al., 202126 Korea 6–18 Training: 600 images Testing: 120 images Baccetti et al. Images of lateral cephalograms equally distributed across stages Two specialists The combination of the CNN with a region-of-interest detector and segmentor module was significantly more accurate (62.5%) than without them.
2 Seo et al., 202127 Korea 6–19 600 lateral cephalograms Baccetti and Franchi Cropped images of lateral cephalograms equally distributed across stages displaying the inferior border of C2 to C4 One radiologist A pretrained network, Inception-ResNet-v2, had relatively high accuracy of 0.941 ± 0.018 when adapted. It also had the highest recall and precision scores among all pretrained models tested.
3 Amasya et al., 202028 Turkey 10–30 72 images Baccetti and Franchi Manually labeled image data set with 54 features and ratios with equal distribution across stages Three dentomaxillofacial radiologists and an orthodontist Interobserver agreement between researchers and the ANN model was substantial to almost perfect (wκ = 0.76–0.92). Percentage agreements between the ANN model and each researcher were 59.7%, 50%, 62.5%, and 61.1%.
4 Amasya et al., 202029 Turkey 10–30 647 images (498 for training and 149 for testing) Baccetti and Franchi Manually labeled image data set with 54 features and results of the evaluation by a clinical decision support system Expert visual evaluation Percentage agreement between the model and the visual analysis of the researcher was 86.93%, which was the highest among all models tested.
5 Kök et al., 202030 Turkey 8–17 419 individuals Hassel and Farman Measurements used in different combinations for seven neural networks Human observer's classification Highest classification accuracy was obtained from the model that used all 32 measurements and age as inputs. The overall accuracy was 94.2% for this model on the test data set.
6 Kök et al., 202031 Turkey 8–17 360 individuals Measurements on the second, third, fourth, and fifth vertebrae used in different combinations as inputs for four models Human observer's classification Highest accuracy obtained with one of the neural networks was 0.95 when the training and test data were split into a ratio of 70%:30%.
7 Kök et al., 201932 Turkey 8–17 300 individuals Hassel and Farman Linear measurements performed on second, third, and fourth cervical vertebrae Orthodontist The neural network model had the second highest accuracy values for determining individual stages, except the fifth stage second-highest accuracy values (93%, 89.7%, 68.8%, 55.6%, 47.4%, and 78%) but was the most stable among all algorithms tested.
8 Makaremi et al., 201933 France Not mentioned 1870 cephalograms Baccetti and Franchi Cropped images without filters and cropped images processed with mean, median, and entropy filter Human observer The pretrained models were not as effective as the neural network made by the researchers. The accuracy of the neural network did not exceed 90% on test images. The accuracy improved with more images and preprocessing with the entropy filter.

ANN indicates artificial neural network; CNN, convolutional neural network.