FIG 6.
N-803 treatment increases the frequency of SIV-specific cells expressing the proliferation marker ki-67 to a greater extent in SIV controllers compared to SIV noncontrollers. Frozen PBMC from SIV noncontrollers (purple) and SIV controllers (gold circles and stars) that were collected from the indicated time points post-N-803 treatment were thawed, and flow cytometry was performed using the panel described in Table 2. The frequencies of ki-67+ cells (left panels) and the fold changes in ki-67 relative to the pre-N-803 treatment controls (right panels) were examined at the indicated time points for effector memory (CD28−CD95+CCR7–; EM), and transitional memory (CD28+CD95+CCR7–; TM), cells for the following parent populations of cells: (A) CD8+Gag181-189CM9 (gold/purple circles) or CD8+Nef137-146RL10 (gold stars) tet+ cells or (B) CD8+SIV tet–cells. (C) CD8+Tat28-35SL8 tet+ cells were analyzed in bulk for the frequencies (left panel) and fold changes (right panel) of the ki-67+ cells. For the graphs of the ki-67 frequencies within a cohort, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) nonparametric tests were performed with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons for individuals across multiple time points. For graphs comparing the fold changes in the percent ki67+ cells between controllers and noncontrollers for a given time point, Mann-Whitney tests were performed to determine statistical significance: P = ns, not significant; *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.005; ***, P ≤ 0.0005.