Berkel et al. [26]; 2022 |
Unimodal |
Start three weeks before surgery. |
Standard of care |
Alejo et al. [29]; 2019 |
Unimodal |
Start during five weeks of CRT and continuation for additional 6–8 weeks before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: 6 practical classes on aerobic (running and walking at RPE = 6–10), resistance (exercises for biceps, triceps, chest, abdominal, lumbar, quadriceps, iliotibial tract, and calves), and outdoor flexibility exercises conducted in a park.
N/A |
Morielli et al. [30]; 2021 |
Unimodal |
Start during neoadjuvant CRT. |
Exercise intervention: personalized HIIT exercise program on a treadmill. Each HIIT session consisted of a 2-min, high-intensity interval completed at 85% of VO2 peak followed by 2 min of active recovery completed at 40% of VO2 peak. The number of HIIT intervals started with five and progressed by one every other session until participants reached the maximum number of 8 intervals.
Standard of care |
West et al. [16]; 2015 |
Unimodal |
Start 6 weeks before surgery during neoadjuvant CRT. |
Standard of care |
Moug et al. [31]; 2019 |
Unimodal |
Start before neoadjuvant CRT; a minimum of 13 weeks duration: 5 weeks during neoadjuvant CRT followed by a minimum of 8 weeks of exercises before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: initial exercise counseling session was followed by a 13–17-week telephone-guided walking program. The program was targeted at counting steps: during the first eight weeks, the step count goal was gradually increased from the baseline and then maintained or increased over the remaining weeks. The target was to increase the average daily step count by 3000 over the baseline by week 8.
Standard of care |
Moug et al. [32]; 2020 |
Unimodal |
Start before neoadjuvant CRT; a minimum of 13 weeks duration: 5 weeks during neoadjuvant CRT followed by a minimum of 8 weeks of exercises before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: initial exercise counseling session was followed by a 13–17-week telephone-guided walking program. The program was targeted at counting steps: during the first eight weeks, the step count goal was gradually increased from the baseline and then maintained or increased over the remaining weeks. The target was to increase the average daily step count by 3000 over the baseline by week 8.
Standard of care |
Singh et al. [33]; 2017 |
Unimodal |
Start over a period of 16 weeks before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: supervised exercise program consisting of two 60-minute aerobic and resistance exercise sessions per week. Resistance exercises aimed at training the major muscle groups included seated row, chest press, latissimus dorsi pull-down, leg extension, curl, and press exercises. The aerobic exercise included walking or jogging, or a treadmill, or cycling, or rowing.
N/A |
Singh et al. [34]; 2018 |
Unimodal |
Start over a period of 10 weeks during neoadjuvant CRT. |
Exercise intervention: supervised program consisting of aerobic and resistance exercises. Resistance exercises aimed at training the major muscle groups included seated row, chest press, latissimus dorsi pull-down, leg extension, curl, and press exercises. The aerobic exercise included walking or jogging, or a treadmill, or cycling, or rowing.
N/A |
Heldens et al. [35]; 2016 |
Unimodal |
Start during neoadjuvant CRT, and the exact duration depending on the individual decision for surgery timing. |
Exercise intervention: supervised individualized endurance and resistance exercise program. The endurance program utilized treadmill and cycling exercises. Chest and leg press, along with the lateral pull down at 40% 1-RM, were used in the resistance exercise program.
N/A |
Loughney et al. [36]; 2017 |
Unimodal |
Start after completion of neoadjuvant CRT; 6-week duration. |
Standard of care |
Gillis et al. [37]; 2019 |
Multimodal |
Started 4 weeks before surgery; continued 8 weeks after surgery. |
Exercise intervention: both groups carried out a home-based exercise program with one group additionally employing supervised group exercise sessions once per week
Nutrition intervention: individualized counseling on diet and supplementation with whey protein. Additionally, the individualized nutrition care plans focused on alleviating cancer-related symptoms, blood glucose control, optimization of body composition, and optimizing nutrient intake guided by actual intake of those nutrients.
Anxiety-reducing intervention: deep breathing exercises along with individualized relaxation exercises.
Patients receiving rehabilitation |
Gillis et al. [38]; 2016 |
Unimodal |
Start 4 weeks before surgery; continued for 4 weeks after surgery. |
Individualized nutrition counseling with a non-nutritive placebo |
Furyk et al. [39]; 2021 |
Multimodal |
Start 4 weeks before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: personalized supervised program consisting of three 1-hour sessions of aerobic and resistance exercises each week performed on non-consecutive days. The sessions included 30 min strength and core/balance circuit followed by 20 min of aerobic exercise.
Nutrition intervention: Personalized dietary counseling in line with Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Standard of care |
Bousquet-Dion et al. [40]; 2018 |
Multimodal |
Start 4 weeks before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: home-based exercise program with an additional supervised workout session.
Nutrition intervention: personalized dietary counseling with daily whey protein supplementation. Additionally, the customized nutrition care plans focused on alleviating cancer-related symptoms, blood glucose control, optimization of body composition, and optimizing nutrient intake guided by actual intake of those nutrients.
Anxiety-reducing intervention: deep breathing instructions and personalized relaxation exercises.
Standard of care |
Tweed et al. [41]; 2021 |
Multimodal |
Start 4 weeks before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: Personalized, supervised strength and aerobic training program. For the strength training, six functional upper and lower body push-pull exercises were used (shoulder press, chest press, lateral pull down, deadlift, leg press, seated row). Aerobic training consisted of HIIT on the cycle ergometer; an exercise intensity was guided by personal ventilatory thresholds measured with CPET.
Nutrition intervention: three freshly prepared high-protein meals and three snacks per day. The nutrients contained the required amount of protein and calories as calculated by the dietitian. Patients were not permitted to eat other foods.
N/A |
Klerk et al. [42]; 2021 |
Multimodal |
Start at least 4 weeks before surgery; duration was adjusted based on the date of surgery. |
Exercise intervention: Personalized, supervised high-intensity training and individual low-intensity training.
Nutrition intervention: individualized nutritional advice to meet energy and protein needs.
Other interventions: Outpatient clinic consults on smoking and alcohol cessation, preoperative anemia treatment, polypharmacy reduction.
Standard of care |
Arias et al. [27]; 2021 |
Multimodal |
Start 30 days before surgery; continued for 30 days after hospital discharge. |
Exercise intervention: Combination of aerobic and muscular resistance exercises performed at home for the approximate duration of 30–45 min, guided by a video playlist.
Nutrition intervention: Dietary recommendations, nutritional supplementation with protein-rich and high in vitamin D and CaHMB content foods.
Relaxation exercises: Breathing and relaxation exercises.
Standard of care |
Karlsson et al. [43]; 2019 |
Unimodal |
Start at least 2 weeks before surgery. |
Exercise intervention: Inspiratory muscle training performed using the handheld electronic device Power Breathe K3; functional strength workouts performing high-intensity exercises (such as chair stands and step-ups with weight belts) and endurance training (such as interval walking indoors and/or outdoors, bouts of stair climbing, and Nordic walking outdoors).
Standard of care |
West et al. [44]; 2019 |
Unimodal |
Start 6 weeks before surgery. |
Standard of care |
Li et al. [17]; 2013 |
Multimodal |
The start date was predetermined by the time remaining until surgery alone. |
Exercise intervention: Aerobic exercise sessions (30 min of walking or using an aerobic exercise machine) combined with resistance training (calisthenics and elastic band movements).
Nutrition intervention: Excess alcohol or fat intake reduction counseling; whey protein isolate provided to guarantee a daily intake of protein.
Anxiety-reducing intervention: relaxation and breathing exercises.
Standard of care |