Table 2.
Author Year | Design | Description and Number of Participants (n) |
Measured Outcomes | N-O Score | Jadad Score |
Berkel et al. [26]; 2022 | RCT | Colorectal cancer patients undergoing colorectal resection (n = 57) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
Alejo et al. [29]; 2019 | Non-randomized pilot study | Colorectal cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant treatment (n = 12) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
7 | N/A |
Morielli et al. [30]; 2021 | RCT | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 36) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
West et al. [16]; 2015 | Non-randomized, blinded pilot study | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 39) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
8 | N/A |
Moug et al. [31]; 2019 | RCT | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 48) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
Moug et al. [32]; 2020 | RCT | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 44) | Primary outcome:
N/A | 3 |
Singh et al. [33]; 2017 | Non-randomized pilot study | Rectal cancer patients planned for rectal resection (n = 12) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
6 | N/A |
Singh et al. [34]; 2018 | Non-randomized pilot study | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 10) | Primary outcomes:
6 | N/A |
Heldens et al. [35]; 2016 | Non-randomized pilot study | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 13) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
6 | N/A |
Loughney et al. [36]; 2017 | Non-randomized pilot study | Rectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 39) | Primary outcome:
7 | N/A |
Gillis et al. [37]; 2019 | RCT | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 139) | Primary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
Gillis et al. [38]; 2016 | RCT | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 48) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
Furyk et al. [39]; 2021 | RCT | Frail colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 106) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcome:
N/A | 3 |
Bousquet-Dion et al. [40]; 2018 | RCT | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 80) | Primary outcomes:
Secondary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
Tweed et al. [41]; 2021 | Non-randomized pilot study | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 9) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
6 | N/A |
Klerk et al. [42]; 2021 | Retrospective cohort study | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 351) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
8 | N/A |
Arias et al. [27]; 2021 | RCT | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 20) | Primary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
Karlsson et al. [43]; 2019 | RCT | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 23) | Primary outcome:
Secondary outcomes:
N/A | 3 |
West et al. [44]; 2019 | Non-randomized pilot study | Colorectal cancer patients to be treated with neoadjuvant CRT (n = 35) | Primary outcomes:
7 | N/A |
Li et al. [17]; 2013 | Non-randomized pilot study | Colorectal cancer patients planned for colorectal resection (n = 87) | Primary outcomes:
Secondary outcomes:
8 | N/A |
RCT—randomized controlled trial; N/A—not applicable; VAT—ventilatory anaerobic threshold; QoL—quality of life; EORTC - European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; BMI—body mass index; CRT—chemoradiotherapy; 6 MWT—6-minute walking test; SF-36—36-Item Short-Form Health Survey; CCI—comprehensive complication index; PA—physical activity; CHAMPS—Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors; CPET—cardiopulmonary exercise testing; LBM—lean body mass; MF-BIA- multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis; FBM—fat body mass; ypTRG—postoperative pathological tumor regression stage; ypT-stage—postoperative tumor stage pathology; 1-RM—1 repetition maximum.