Regression Analysis of Viral Titer and corresponding PIDN and PIDM values. (A) Strong positive correlation can be seen between the viral titer from human lung tissues and PID. Regression model: VT = A × PIDN) + B × Time + B, where VT = Viral Titer, A,B = Coefficients, C = Y-Intercept. (B). A strong negative correlation is seen between viral titer from human bronchial tissues and PIDN and PIDM values. (Regression model: VT = A × PIDM + B × PIDN + C × Time + D where VT = Viral Titer, A,B,C = Coefficients, D = Y-Intercept.) The figure is a statistical extension of the data from [43] using disorder information. “**” denotes the importance of a negative or positive correlation (r). The significance of this will be revisited in the next subsection.