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. 2022 Oct 17;14(20):5084. doi: 10.3390/cancers14205084

Table 1.

The effects of Ramadan fasting in cirrhotic patients.

Author Year Study Design Study Population Number of Patients Results
Elnadry et al.,
2011 [23]
Observational and comparative Chronic hepatitis and Cirrhotics (Child A and B) N = 202
  • Fasting: 103 patients (57 chronic hepatitis, 46 cirrhotics).

  • Non-fasting: 99 patients (52 chronic hepatitis, 47 cirrhotics)

  • Dyspeptic symptoms were higher in fasting group

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding during Ramadan was higher in fasting group compared to non-fasting, but the variceal bleeding was significantly higher in the non-fasting group

  • Chronic hepatitis fasting group showed non-significant changes pre, during and post Ramadan regarding liver functions.

  • In the fasting cirrhotic group, the decompensation to Child C class developed both during and after Ramadan fasting

Elfert et al.,
2011 [24]
Observational and non-comparison Cirrhotics (Child A, B and C) N = 216
  • BMI, serum glucose, ALT, AST, GGT, and ALP decreased

  • Serum bilirubin increased significantly after full Ramadan fast

  • Male sex, Child Pugh Class A and absence of gastrointestinal bleeding bleeding were independent factors in reduction in liver enzymes and serum glucose during Ramadan fasting

  • Older age, Diabetes mellitus status and Child Pugh Class C were independent factors for elevation of serum bilirubin and creatinine during Ramadan fasting

  • Twenty seven patients discontinued their fast due to fatigue

  • Variceal bleeding and encephalopathy reported in eight and six patients, respectively

  • Ramadan fasting had no significant effect on PV diameter or portal blood flow

Mohamed et al, 2016 [25] Observational and non-comparison Cirrhotics (Child A, B and C) N = 40
  • Cirrhotic patients showed significant short-term increases in the congestive index as a non-invasive marker of the portal blood flow

  • After Ramadan, there was a statistically significant increase in bilirubin and a decrease in albumin in Child Pugh Class C

  • In patients with Child Pugh Class A and B there was no significant change in bilirubin, albumin level, prothrombin concentration or the degree of ascites, encephalopathy or upper GI bleeding events before and after Ramadan

  • Shifting towards more advanced stage of Child class was due to lower limb edema development, increased ascites, increased jaundice and development of overt hepatic encephalopathy

  • In total, seven patients developed complications with two cases of variceal bleeding

Mohamed et al.,
2018 [26]
Observational and comparative Cirrhotic (Child A and B) and healthy volunteers N = 72
  • Cirrhotic fasting (N = 34),

  • Cirrhotic non-fasting

  • (n = 8)

  • Healthy volunteers fasting (N = 30)

  • Patients with cirrhosis showed changes in their portal hemodynamics with increased CI

  • Although more increased in cirrhotic patients, the congestive index didn’t change when these patients fasted

  • MELD score and serum albumin showed significant changes in comparison to healthy subjects but no differences between cirrhotic patients that fasted or not

BMI: body mass index, AST: aspartate aminotransferase, ALT: alanine transaminase, GGT: gamma-glutamyl transferase, ALP: alkaline phosphatase, CI: congestive index.