FIG. 5.
Effect of 1.5% H2O2 and various concentrations of Sag 471 on whole blood. Lanes: a, no H2O2 and Sag 471; b, 0.25% Sag 471; c, 0.125% Sag 471; d, 0.062% Sag 471; e, 0.031% Sag 471; f, 0.016% Sag 471; g, 0.008% Sag 471; h, 0.004% Sag 471; i, 0.002% Sag 471; j, 0.001% Sag 471. The RBCs were lysed with high concentrations of Sag 471 (b and c), which resulted in the staining of the NC membrane; however, there was no visual hindrance with low concentrations (d, e, f, g, h, i, and j)