MRI of a giant midpalmar lipoma: clearly shaped lesion with fine homogeneous capsule, with predominantly lipomatosis signal and fine septa irregularly distributed inside the tumor with discrete gadolinophilia at septa level, beneath the palmar aponeurosis, with approximate size of 80/50 mm and a thickness of 35 mm. The lesion embedded and “detached” the group of tendinous flexors from the plan of the 2 interosseous muscles; the radial and ulnar artery with present flow in a superficial subaponeurotic location is in contact with the palmar surface of the lesion; the median nerve with a homogeneous hyposignal is structurally normal; the component bones of the wrist are normally configured, with homogeneous structure, regular bone contour, and cortically seamless; and the thenar and hypothenar muscle plans are compressed by injury (A–C).