1 exp Neoplasms/ |
3743346 |
2 ("cancer" or malignan* or oncolog*).ti,ab. |
2,504,728 |
3 COVID-19/ or exp COVID-19 Testing/ or COVID-19 Vaccines/ or SARS-CoV-2/ |
192,823 |
4 (coronavirus/ or betacoronavirus/ or coronavirus infections/) and (disease outbreaks/ or epidemics/ or pandemics/) |
40,181 |
5 (nCoV* or 2019nCoV or 19nCoV or COVID19* or COVID or SARS-COV-2 or SARSCOV-2 or SARS-COV2 or SARSCOV2 or SARS coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2).ti,ab,kf,nm,ot,ox,rx,px. |
290,401 |
6 ((new or novel or "19" or "2019" or Wuhan or Hubei or China or Chinese) adj3 (coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus* or CoV or HCoV)).ti,ab,kf,ot. |
78,800 |
7 (longCOVID* or postCOVID* or postcoronavirus* or postSARS*).ti,ab,kf,ot. |
57 |
8 ((coronavirus* or corona virus* or betacoronavirus*) adj3 (pandemic* or epidemic* or outbreak* or crisis)).ti,ab,kf,ot. |
13,780 |
9 ((Wuhan or Hubei) adj5 pneumonia).ti,ab,kf,ot. |
409 |
10 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 |
302,333 |
11 ("new" or "incident" or diagnos* or "first" or initial*).ti,ab. |
8,437,359 |
12 1 or 2 or 11 |
11,391,516 |
13 General Surgery/ |
40,392 |
14 ("cancer surgery" or "surgical resection" or cancer resection or surger*).ti,ab. |
1,368,381 |
15 13 or 14 |
1,393,863 |
16 (chemo* or "systemic therapy" or radiation or radiotherap* or "hormonal therapy" or neoadjuvant or endocrine therapy).ti,ab. |
1,204,385 |
17 10 and 12 and 15 and 16 |
386 |
18 limit 17 to (English language and humans and yr="2019-Current") |
243 |