FIG 5.
Bacterial taxa identified as differentially abundant between men with and without clinical signs of urethritis. (A) MSM with urethral discharge on examination versus MSM without urethral discharge on examination. (B) MSM with meatitis versus MSM without meatitis. (C) MSW with urethral discharge on examination versus MSW without urethral discharge on examination. (D) MSW with meatitis versus MSW without meatitis; The horizontal bars represent coefficients obtained from the ANCOM-BC log-linear (natural log) model. Positive coefficients (black) indicate higher abundance in men with the clinical sign, whereas negative coefficients (gray) indicate a higher abundance in men without the clinical sign. The error bars show the standard error around the estimate. Structural zeros (taxa present in one group but absent, or close to absent, from the comparator) do not have error bars. All taxa with P < 0.05 are shown in the figure. *, FDR-adjusted P < 0.1; **, FDR-adjusted P < 0.05; ***, FDR-adjusted P < 0.01; ****, FDR-adjusted P < 0.001.