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. 2022 Oct 9;9(10):1538. doi: 10.3390/children9101538

Table A1.

Studies on life education for young children.

Author Time/Serial Paper Title Theme Study Result
Hsiau, K. [14] 2002
Research on children’s life education teaching and practice Planting and raising
activities for early
childhood life education
Planting and raising
activities cultivate
children’s attitude
of respect for life
Huang, Y. C. [29] 2004
Action research of using picture books to facilitate life education in a kindergarten classroom Application of picture
books in life education
Picture book curricula
are suitable for children’s learning in
life education
Chang, B. R. [54] 2005
Study of Froebel’s philosophy with a particular focus on life
education in kindergartens
Philosophy of early
childhood life education
Life education curricula
in preschools teach children that nature and God connects all living things and provide children with opportunities to be close to nature
Pan, Y. C. [21] (2006)
Multimedia teaching application in children’s life education about
Multimedia teaching,
concept mapping,
and fables for early
childhood life education
Multimedia teaching materials for young children are a means through which relevant life themes for children can be communicated
Deng, W. H. [45] (2006)
Study of teaching activities for
early childhood life education
Implementation methods
and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses
Multiple teaching methods can be used to cultivate children’s ability to observe, think, and interact with others and to improve behaviours related to care, gratitude, and repayment as well as attitudes of respect and
Pan, M. L. [46] (2006)
Life education for pre-schoolers
through exercise
Implementation methods and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses Experiential activities such as raising animals and caring for plants are effective activities for children’s life education
Hsu, Y. F., & Liu, C. H. [20] (2006)
Outdoor teaching activities for young children’s life education Implementation methods and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses The study results revealed that outdoor experiential activities are suitable for children’s learning in life education
Chen, H. M. [30] 2006
Reflections on a kindergarten
teacher’s action research on
children’s life education using
picture books
Application of picture
books in life education
Children’s life attitudes
and behaviours are enhanced in terms of sharing, caring, and gratitude through picture book learning
Chang, J. L. [31] 2007
Research on the concept teaching of young children’s life education —Taking the application of picture books
and extension activities as an
Application of picture
books in life education
Young children can learn to respect friends, cherish siblings, care for animals, appreciate life, and recognise the value of plants through picture book learning and extension activities
Chen, J. S. [55] 2007
Talking about life and death with a four-year-old: Seeking new avenues through dialogue Philosophy of early
childhood life education
Dialogue between adults and children can be viewed as an educational process, encouraging young children to think about complex subjects
Wang, H. W. [15] 2008
Life symphony of the new
century: Life education in a
kindergarten based on the
Montessori approach
Interaction between
teachers and students and teachers’ attitude towards life
Early childhood life education is a process in which life affects life; as such, an adult’s life experience can influence a child’s life experience
Hsieh, M. C. [43] 2008
Study of immersive movie
teaching, concept mapping,
and experiential activity in
children’s life education
Multimedia teaching, concept mapping, and
fables for early childhood life education
The integration of film
teaching, concept mapping, and experiential activities into young children’s life education enhances children’s understanding of love and care, their respect for themselves and others, and feelings of appreciation
Wu, A. F. [58] 2008
Action research on integrating nature experiences into early childhood life education—The case of Tayal children in Fushin Township Implementation methods
and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses
Integrating nature experiences in teaching improves preschool teachers’ curriculum design and awareness of environmental education
Liao, H. J. [47] 2008
Study of the effects of young
children’s life education
Implementation methods
and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses
Children exhibit positive self-development, a more loving attitude towards the environment and other
living creatures, and a calmer attitude towards
death following implementation of an immersive thematic curriculum
Yeh, Y. J. [38] 2008
Study of life exploration for
kindergarten teachers through
a growth group
Interaction between teachers and students
and teachers’ attitude towards life
Preschool teachers leading a life exploration course as
a group can enhance teachers’ implementation of life education. The teachers could face daily life more actively, practice more kindness when interacting with their young students, and gain a strong grasp of the teaching objectives and curriculum design
Chen, H. L. [18] 2008
Face up to the life education of young children—Applying birthday party activities Interaction between
teachers and students and teachers’ attitude towards
Implementing birthday activities for young children can assist preschool teachers in teaching young children about life meanings
Li, L. C. et al. [27] (2010)
Study of life education using the life cycle of butterflies—The realisation of life education in kindergartens Planting and raising activities for early
childhood life education
Teachers guide children to observe, take care of, and
feed butterflies. The children’s ideas about life are developed by performing the activity themselves and interacting with the insects, thereby gaining an understanding of their responsibility to protect them
Wang, T. L. [39] (2010)
Research on parental rearing attitudes towards preschool life education and the need for life education Parental attitudes and teachers’ current implementation of life education The more consistent the life education and parental attitudes, the greater the desire of parents for implementing life education for their preschool children
Wu, L. C. [48] (2010)
Research on experiential activities in preschool life education in the Zhuzihu community in Yangmingshan Implementation
methods and
effects of experiential
activities in early childhood
life education courses
Children’s awareness and the practice of life
education is improved, and the connection between children’s feelings and experiences is strengthened through experiential activities. These activities provide children with a deeper understanding of their living environment and enriched learning
Wu, S. S., & Wei C. J. [16] (2010)
Use of children’s picture books
—Exploring the content and teaching targets of picture books in early childhood life education
Application of
picture books in
life education
Through an analysis of the content and teaching targets of eight early childhood life education picture books, in conjunction with the teaching experiences of early childhood life education educators, a more holistic method for promoting children’s development can be
Chang, C. T. [56] (2010)
Implementation of the ethics of care in life education: A case study of a preschool teacher Philosophy of early
childhood life education
Modelling, dialogue, practice, and verification
serve as a reference for life education
Li, M. C. [40] (2011)
Study of life attitudes and
implementation of life education
for early childhood teachers
Parental attitudes and
teachers’ current
implementation of life education
When teachers’ attitude towards life is positive, they have strong feelings about love and care
Huang, B. Y., Wei, W. T., & Hung, C. L. [22] (2011)
Analysis of preschool teachers’ attitudes towards life education and experimental research on the effects of life education Interaction between
teachers and students and teachers’ attitude towards life
For life education, older teachers have more positive attitudes than younger teachers, married teachers have more positive attitudes than single teachers, and experienced teachers have more positive attitudes
than inexperienced teachers
Fang, L. Y. [49] (2012)
Action research on life education for early childhood—A case study of a nature-based experiential
activity in a school
Implementation methods and effects of experiential
activities in early childhood life education courses
The implementation of nature-based experiential activities can enhance young children’s life attitudes in terms of respecting themselves, caring for others, and cherishing nature
Tai, L. H. [50] (2012)
Action research on integrating
experiential activities into life
education in Zhishan Yan
Implementation methods and effects of experiential
activities in early childhood life education courses
The following methods are suggested for enhancing the life education of young children: (1) using picture
books; (2) discussing life issues with children; (3) allowing children to appreciate life education videos; (4) employing nature as teaching material; (5) implementing animal raising activities; and (6) promoting children’s feelings of gratitude to others
Shih, Y. H. [50] (2013)
Teaching and revitalising young children’s life education Implementation methods and effects of experiential
activities in early childhood life education courses
Life education is essential for young children, and effective methods must be
implemented to enhance life education
Wang, L. Y. [32] (2013)
Action research on self-esteem courses in early childhood education implemented through an online picture book club Application of picture books in life education The People and Self life education picture book is the cornerstone of children’s self-esteem learning
Pan, T. H. [33] (2013)
Collaborative action research on children’s life education through picture books Application of picture books in life education The ‘self–self relationship’
includes an understanding of the origin of life; (2) the ‘human–self relationship’ involves expressions of caring and love for one’s family members; and (3) the ‘environment–self relationship’ involves the attitude of respecting life and the establishment of the concept of environmental protection
Li, W. T. [34] (2013)
Life education for young children
through picture books
Application of picture books in life education The established database of 100 picture books for young children’s life education serves as a reference for preschool life education and can be used to elevate the quality of children’s life education
Yuan, P. Y. [35] (2013)
Action research on the application
of picture books in early childhood life education
Application of picture books in life education Picture books can be used to improve young children’s learning effectiveness and cognition in terms of respect and affirmation, loving and caring, acceptance and giving, and cherishing and gratitude picture books
Lai, Y. C. [36] (2014)
Using picture books in young children’s life education—The example of Tainan Application of picture books in life education Teaching with life education picture books increases children’s self-confidence, courage, and adaptability and promotes positive life attitudes in terms of appreciating and cherishing material resources
Tsai, B. L. [41] (2014)
Survey on the implementation of
life education in kindergartens
—An example from Yilan County
Parental attitudes and teachers’ current implementation of life education The five most common implementation methods of life education employed by preschool teachers are picture book teaching, opportunity education, narration, planting and raising, and parent
–child education activities
Tang, Y. S. [44] (2014)
Initial research on the application of Zhuang Zhou’s fables in the life education of preschool children Multimedia teaching, concept mapping, and
fables for early childhood life education
Implementing Zhuangzi as a teaching aid in young children’s life education is feasible
Lu, Y. C. [51] (2014)
Action research on the integration
of the explorative experience of community activities into life education—An example of a kindergarten affiliated with a junior high school in Yingge District
Implementation methods and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses The incorporation of community tour experiential activities into the life education curriculum can encourage
children to respect life and cherish natural resources, deepening their understanding of the environment in which they are growing up
Lee, L. F. [42] (2015)
Study of parental attitudes towards and implementation
of life education among young children in central Taiwan
Parental attitudes and
teachers’ current
of life education
The attitudes of the parents of the young children towards children’s life education are positive, supportive, and agreeable. Children’s practice of life education
can be promoted by their parents and embodied in children’s everyday life experience
Shih, Y. H., Chiang, Y. M., & Chen, P. Y. [25] (2017)
Life education for young children:
Reflections on its meaning, content, aim, and praxis
Characteristics and content
of young children’s life
The following are characteristics of young children’s life education: (1) diversity; (2) human nature as a whole; (3) individuality; and (4) positivity
Shih, Y. H. [52] (2017)
Study of the practice of life education for infants (aged 0 to 3 years) Implementation methods and effects of experiential activities in early childhood
life education courses
The following techniques are employed in infant life education: (1) encouraging embracing among the infants; (2) calmly accepting undisciplined behaviour; (3) encouraging and praising the children; (4) smiling at the children; (5) playing various games; (6) using appropriate body contact; and (7) introducing the
infants to nature
Shih, Y. H., & Wu, P. F. [26] (2018)
Let life tell stories: A study of the
content of life education for young children
Characteristics and content
of young children’s life education
Investigating the content of life education for young children involves
detailing children’s understanding of
life, the origin of life, and
life care and assessing
their development and practice
Chen et al. [58] (2018)
Broadening the ideas of early
childhood life education:
Some implications from the educational viewpoint of
Maria Montessori
Philosophy of early childhood life education Developing an educational environment of freedom in
early childhood life education is crucial. Young children must enjoy a reasonable range of freedom in education to enable them to develop an independent personality
Chan, S. F. [53] (2019)
Empirical study of integrating ecological awareness into the life education of preschool children Implementation methods and effects of experiential activities in early childhood life education courses The implementation of a life education course that
is aligned with the goals of early childhood education can promote children’s respect for life
Wu, C. J. [28] (2021)
Action research on early childhood
life education through insect-themed teaching
Planting and raising
activities for early childhood life education
Through an insect-themed course, children’s respect, love, and care for insects can be used to overcome any fear they may have towards insects
Fan, Y. H. [37] (2021)
Action research on the application of picture book teaching in early
childhood life education curriculum—Cultivating children’s love and respect
Application of picture books in life education Picture book teaching can cultivate preschool children’s love and respect for other people