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. 2022 Sep 28;29(10):7086–7098. doi: 10.3390/curroncol29100556

Table 2.

Preoperative nutritional and inflammatory study.

Variable Mean or Median (SD or IQR)
Height 1.66 (±0.09)
Weight 75.61 (±14.22)
PhA grades 6.46 (±2.10) *
BCMI (body cell mass index) 11 (±2.33)
BCM (body composition monitor) (kg) 30.29 (±8.01)
FFM (fat-free mass) (kg) 54.6 (±9.92)
FM (fat mass) (kg) 19.52 (±8.92)
MST (multistage testing) 12 (±17.65)
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet test 40 (±58.82)
BMI (body mass index) 27.06 (±4.96)
IPN (prognostic nutritional index) 47.1 (±5.85)
Preoperative Plasmatic Test
Albumin 39.63 (±3.75) *
Prealbumin 225.05 (±67.69) *
Cholesterol 34.64 (117.91)
Vitamin D 35.78 (±21.05) *
Ácidos Grasos
Ratio omega 6/3 17.39 (±9.45)
EPA 0.36 (±0.29)
DHA 1.23 (±0.71)
Linolenic acid 0.41 (±0.27)
ARA 6.33 (±1.90)
Linoleic acid 24.07 (±7.40)
Inflammatory Parameters
Neutrophils 4720.44 (±2398.10)
Lymphocytes 1561.03 (±779.70)
Platelets 205,177.94 (±79,743.10)
Monocytes 525.59 (±206.60)
Ratio neutrophils/lymphocytes 3.91 (±3.64)
Ratio platelets/lymphocytes 152.32 (±70.36)
Ratio lymphocytes/monocytes 3.3 (±1.64)
Transferrin 41.66 (±58.30)
PCR 9.04 (±16.22)
Fibrinogen 4.05 (±51.63) *
SII (systemic immune-inflammation index) 12,162.21 (±581,087.45)

* IQR, median ± interquartile range.