Table 1.
Summary of cell death mechanism models.
Authors, Year, Cell Death Mechanism Modeled | Methods. Death Rule (DR) | Results |
Fussenegger et al., 2000 [7], receptor- and stress-induced apoptosis | ODE approach. DR: the ratio of executioner caspase to free Bcl-xL is greater than a threshold value | Qualitative explanation of observed caspase activation dynamics |
Eissing et al., 2004 [21], receptor-induced apoptosis | ODE approach, stability and bifurcation analysis methods. DR: The bistable system is in apoptotic steady state | Bistable behavior of caspase-3 activation |
Bentele et al., 2004 [25], receptor-induced apoptosis | ODE approach, sensitivity analysis. DR: receptor–ligand ratio is greater than a threshold value | A threshold mechanism for induction of receptor-induced apoptosis |
Hua et al., 2005 [43], receptor-induced apoptosis | ODE approach, sensitivity analysis. DR: caspase-3 activation | Bcl-2 blocks the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway by binding to proapoptotic proteins |
Legewie et al., 2006 [22], intrinsic apoptosis | ODE approach, stability and bifurcation analysis methods. DR: irreversible caspase-3 activation | Bistable and irreversible caspase-3 activation arises in the system due to XIAP-mediated feedback |
Rehm et al., 2006 [26], intrinsic apoptosis | ODE approach, sensitivity analysis. DR: complete caspase-dependent substrate cleavage | All-or-none apoptotic response depends on caspase-3-dependent feedback signaling and XIAP |
Bagci et al., 2006 [23], mitochondria-dependent apoptosis | ODE approach. DR: caspase-3 activation is above a threshold that depends on Bax degradation and expression rates. | The transition from bistable to monostable (survival) cell behavior is controlled by the number of mitochondrial permeability transition pores |
Chen and Cui et al., 2007, 2008 [38,45,46], intrinsic apoptosis | Deterministic and stochastic approaches, robustness analysis. DR: one-way bistable switch of Bax-activation | Apoptotic switches are bistable and robust to noise |
Albeck et al., 2008 [27], extrinsic apoptosis | ODE approach, compartmental modeling. DR: mitochondria-to-cytosol cytochrome c and Smac translocation in an all-or-none manner | Permeabilization of the mitochondrial membrane and relocalization of proteins are the key factors in all-or-none death decision |
Spencer et al., 2009 [33], extrinsic apoptosis | ODE approach. DR: levels of activated tBid, Bax, and Bak exceed a threshold set by inhibitory Bcl-2 proteins | Cell-to-cell variability in time-to-death depends on activation of the pore-forming proteins Bax and Bak |
Neumann et al., 2010 [32], crosstalk between receptor-mediated apoptosis and NF-κB signaling | ODE approach, sensitivity analysis. DR: the maximum level of active caspase-8 is used as a readout for apoptosis | Assembly of DISC acts as a signal processor determining life/death decisions in a nonlinear manner |
Hong et al., 2012 [28], crosstalk between apoptosis and ER stress response mechanisms | ODE approach, sensitivity analysis. DR: the level of apoptosis is determined by an ODE that depends on caspases-2,3,9,8 and apoptosis-inducing factor | Crosstalks among the mitochondrial, death receptor and ER stress response pathways contribute to the level of apoptosis |
Tavassoly et al., 2015 [29], crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis | ODE approach. DR: apoptosis occurs as soon as proapoptotic BH3 exceeds antiapoptotic Bcl2 protein | Time courses of the relative level of autophagy for different levels of stressor and percentage of apoptotic cells |
Ballweg et al., 2017 [30], crosstalk between p53 signaling and apoptosis | ODE approach, dynamical analysis. DR: the level of p53 is elevated higher than a threshold that depends on cIAP level | The probability of apoptosis depends on the dynamics of p53 |
Schlatter et al., 2009 [34], apoptosis | Boolean logic and multi-value logic approach | High connectivity, crosstalks, and feedback loops in apoptosis regulatory network are significant and essential for apoptosis signaling |
Mai et al., 2009 [35], intrinsic and extrinsic apoptosis | Boolean logic approach. DR: the “DNA Damage Event’’ node has remained in the ON state for 20 successive steps | The feedback loops directly involving the caspase 3 are essential for maintaining irreversibility of apoptosis |
Calzone et al., 2010 [36], apoptosis and non-apoptotic cell death (necroptosis) | Boolean logic approach. DR: “Apoptosis” node or “NonACD” node is in ON state | Transient activation of key proteins in necroptosis and mutual inhibitory crosstalks among apoptosis, survival and necroptosis pathways |
Xu et al., 2021 [8], cellular necroptosis signaling circuits | ODE approach, sensitivity analysis, bifurcation and potential landscape methods. | The structure and distribution characteristics of all parameters are essential for stable oscillation behavior of necroptosis circuits |
Ildefonso et al., 2022 [59], necroptosis regulation | ODE approach, DREAM parameter estimation method, sensitivity analysis. DR: phosphorylated MLKL exceeds a hard threshold of 2772 molecules | Four distinct necroptosis execution modes |
Li et al., 2021 [65], crosstalk between apoptosis and necroptosis regulatory networks. | ODE approach. DR: apoptosis occurs when RIP1 level < ∼1000 molecules/cell, co-occurrence of apoptosis and necroptosis when ∼46,000 mpc< RIP1 > ∼1000 mpc, necroptosis alone when RIP1 >∼46,000 mpc |
Characterization of RIP1’s biphasic roles in necroptosis |
Zhu et al. [9], crosstalk between caspase-1 and caspase-3 driven pyroptosis pathways | ODE approach, bifurcation and sensitivity analysis methods. DR: Cell death rate is defined using a ratio of dying cell population to the initial cell population | The change in expression levels of caspase-1, caspase-3, and GSDMD can switch between GSDMD- and GSDME-executed pyroptosis death modes |
Li et al., 2022 [73], crosstalk between pyroptosis and apoptosis regulations | ODE and potential energy landscape approaches. DR: by levels of cleaved GSDMD (pyroptosis) and cleaved caspase-3 (apoptosis) | Caspase-1 and GSDMD are key proteins that regulate the switching between pyroptosis and apoptosis |
Konstorum et al., 2020 [10], ferroptosis regulation | Stochastic, multistate, discrete mathematical approach. DR: intermediate and high levels of the lipid radical LO* | Ferroptosis sensitivity depends on PUFA synthesis, PUFA incorporation into the phospholipid membrane, and the balance between levels of pro-oxidant species and antioxidant factors |
Checcoli et al., 2020 [11], immunogenic cell death (ICD) mechanism | Boolean Kinetic Monte-Carlo approach. DR: Death node is at 1 | The succession of events resulting in ICD. Points of intervention that had the strongest effect on ICD |