Numbers of viable C. albicans 315, CAF2, and CAG3 and C. pelliculosa recovered from mouse GI segments. (A) Within a given GI segment, the numbers of C. albicans 315 and CAF2 were consistently similar to each other and higher than the numbers of C. albicans CAG3 and C. pelliculosa, with exception of the cecum, where the numbers of strain 315 were not statistically different from those of strain CAG3. (B) For individual strains, candidal colonization was always lowest in the upper small intestine and highest in the colon, and with the exception of C. albicans 315, colonization in the cecum and colon was not statistically different. Bars with the same letters are not different from each other; bars with different letters are statistically different (typically P < 0.01). The horizontal line indicates the lower limit of assay detection.