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. 2022 Oct 18;19(20):13439. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192013439

Table 3.

Ultrasound skin toxicity findings of the irradiated breast compared with the nonirradiated or pre-RT breast.

Author(s), Year Measured Parameters and Locations Ultrasound Skin Findings Main Findings
(Borm et al. 2021) [39] Skin thickness
Locations: at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 around the mamilla
Healthy breast: 1.7–1.8 mm at all timepoints for both groups
Treated breast:
HF: 2.3 mm before RT, 2.4 mm at the end of RT, and 2.5 mm post RT
CF: 2.3 mm before RT, 2.3 mm at the end of RT, and 2.5 mm post RT
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    ↑ skin thickness compared to the HB before and after RT

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    Skin thickness ↑ after RT in both groups

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    No significant difference between HF-WBI and CF-WBI both at the end and following RT

(Landoni et al. 2013) [40] Skin thickness
Locations: the irradiated breast, boost region, and corresponding positions on the untreated breast
Mean skin thickness:
Irradiated breast: 2.13 ± 0.72 mm
Contralateral site: 1.61 ± 0.29 mm
Boost region: 2.25 ± 0.79 mm.
Contralateral site: 1.63 ± 0.33 mm
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    Significant difference in both examined regions

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    No significant difference between the boosted area and the irradiated breast

(Garnier et al. 2017) [41] Dermal thickness
Locations: the irradiated breast, boost region, and corresponding positions on the untreated breast
Median dermal thickness (mm):
Irradiated skin: 1.7 [1.4–2.1]
Contralateral site: 1.3 [1.0–1.5]
Boost region: 1.7 [1.4–2.1]
Contralateral site: 1.2 [1.0–1.4]
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    ↑ dermal thickness compared to the HB

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    ↑ breast volume, young age, and dark skin phototype were associated with more severe skin toxicity

(Wang et al. 2020) [33] Mean epidermal thickness
Locations: the four quadrants of both breasts
Mean STRA:
Baseline CF: 1.3, HF: 1.3
During RT CF: 1.5, HF: 1.4
12 weeks post RT CF: 1.6, HF: 1.5
1 year post RT CF: 1.5, HF: 1.5
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    STRA was ↑ before RT

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    Mean STRA was ↑ post RT compared to baseline

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    Breast volume and supraclavicular irradiation were associated with the most significant changes in breast asymmetry

(Torres et al. 2016) [32] Mean epidermal thickness and STRA
Locations: the four quadrants and boost region in both breasts
Baseline: 1.27 (SD 0.29).
During RT: 1.52 (SD 0.46)
6 weeks post RT: 1.6 (SD 0.46).
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    Mean ↑:

    Before RT: 27%

    During RT: 25%

    Post RT: 33%

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    Mean STRA 6 weeks after RT was significantly larger than baseline

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    ↑ breast volume is a consistent patient-related factor associated with ↑ epidermal thickening secondary to RT

(Lin et al. 2019) [9] Epidermal thickness
Locations: the four quadrants of both breasts
Mean STRA:
Baseline: 1.28 ± 0.31.
At week 6: 1.55
6 weeks post RT: 1.62
6 months post RT: 1.65 ± 0.41
1 year post RT: 1.44 ± 0.38
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    ↑ STRA post RT compared to baseline

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    Significant increase at 6 months (absolute mean ↑ of 65%, SD 0.054)

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    1 year post RT (absolute mean ↑ of 44%, SD 0.048)

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    In MVA, ALND, longer interval between surgery and RT, ↑ baseline STRA, and Caucasian race predicted more severe changes in STRA at one year compared to baseline (all p < 0.05)

(Yoshida et al. 2012) [34] Ultrasound RF data: skin thickness
PCC of the hypodermis
Locations: 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and tumour bed of both breasts
Dermal toxicity: 28.5% ± 26.6% for RTOG = 0 and 69.7% ± 39.7% for RTOG = 1 or 2
Hypodermal toxicity: 5.4% ± 35.8% for RTOG = 0 and 19.2% ± 26.2% for RTOG = 1 or 2
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    Significant dermal toxicity changes in the acute and late toxicity groups

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    Significant hypodermal toxicity changes in the early but not in the late group

(Yoshida et al. 2011) [35] Ultrasound RF data: skin thickness and PCC
Locations: 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 positions of both breasts
The average skin thickness:
Treated breast: 2.61 mm (1.53–3.65 mm)
Untreated breast: 2.05 mm (1.66–2.41 mm)
Average PCC:
Treated breast: 0.28 (range: 0.21–0.41)
Untreated breast: 0.41 (range: 0.03–0.52)
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    Significant differences

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    27.3% mean ↑ in skin thickness, 34.1% mean ↓ in PCC

(Liu et al. 2010) [31] Ultrasound RF signals: skin thickness and PCC
Locations: 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 of both breasts
Skin thickness range:
Untreated breasts: 1.66–2.41 mm
Treated breasts: 1.53–3.65 mm
PCC range:
Untreated hypodermis: 0.03 to 0.52 Treated hypodermis: 0.21 to 0.41
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    Significant changes in both parameters

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    Average skin thickness ↑ by 27.3%, and the PCC ↓ by 31.7%

(Liu et al. 2008) [42] Ultrasound RF signals: skin thickness and PCC
Locations: irradiated breast and nonirradiated breast
Average skin thickness:
Irradiated skin: 3.3 ± 1.4 mm (2.01 to 5.82 mm)
Nonirradiated skin: 2.2 ± 0.4 mm (1.93 to 2.75 mm)
Average PCC:
Irradiated hypodermis: 0.18 ± 0.08 (0.01 to 0.36)
Nonirradiated hypodermis: 0.27 ± 0.10 (0.10 to 0.42)
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    Significant changes in both parameters

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    The average skin thickness ↑ by 40%, and the average PCC↓ by 35%

(Keskikuru et al. 2004) [43] Skin thickness of induced suction blisters
Location: in the upper medial quadrant of both breasts
The mean skin thickness of the Irradiated breast:
Before RT: 1.9 mm,
4 months: 2.1 mm
7 months: 2.00 mm
1 year: 1.9 mm
2 years: 1.7 mm
Nonirradiated breast: <1.8 mm at all timepoints
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    Significant changes from 2.5 weeks of RT, peaked at around 4 months, then declined until 2 years

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    9% ↑ in skin thickness in the operated breast before RT

(Wratten et al. 2002) [37] Skin thickness
Locations: 4 cm medial and lateral to the nipple in both breasts
Mean skin thickness of:
Medial treated breast 2.23 mm
Lateral treated breast 1.91
Medial untreated breast 1.38 mm
Lateral untreated breast 1.16 mm
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    The treated breast skin is overall thicker than the untreated breast

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    Thickening is evident before RT

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    The medial aspect is thicker than the outer aspect in both breasts

(Wratten et al. 2000) [38] Total cutaneous thickness
Locations: 4 cm medial and lateral to the nipple in both breasts
The mean total cutaneous thickness:
Treated breast: 2.71 mm (range 1.42–4.66 mm, SD 0.83 mm)
Untreated breast: 1.35 mm (range 0.84–1.82 mm, SD 0.21 mm)
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    Significant changes

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    The medial aspect of the breast was thicker than the lateral aspect in both breasts

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    ↑cutaneous thickness before RT in those patients with axillary dissection

(Warszawski et al. 1998) [44] Entry echo of the skin
Corium (dermal) thickness
The echogenicity of the upper and lower corium
Structure of the border between the corium and subcutis
Locations: at the edge between the upper quadrants 2–3 cm above the mammilla in both breasts
Mean corium thickness (µm):
Nonirradiated skin: 1683 ± 308
Early reactions: 2683 ± 721
Late reactions: 2307 ± 934
The mean echogenicity of the upper and lower corium:
Nonirradiated skin: 3.63 ± 1.58 to 5.04 ± 1.56
Early reactions: 1.90 ± 1.37 to 1.93 ± 0.76
Late reactions: 2.32 ± 0.88 to 3.33 ± 1.41
Unsharp dermis-subcutaneous border:
Nonirradiated skin: 5/31, 16.1%
Early reactions: 15/44, 34.1%
Late reactions: 8/21, 38.1%
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    Significant changes in the early and late reactions for the thickness and echogenicity of the dermis

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    Nonsignificant changes for the entry echo and poor visibility of the dermis-subcutaneous border

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    No significant difference between early and late reactions except for the echogenicity of the lower corium

(Schack et al. 2016) [45] Dermis thickness
Locations: 3 cm from the areola in all four quadrants of both breasts
The mean dermis thickness:
Untreated breast: 1.26 mm (95% CI 1.08–1.44)
Irradiated breast: 2.22 mm (95% CI 1.78–2.66)
The mean difference: 0.96 mm (95% CI 0.50–1.42)
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    Statistically significant changes

(Wong et al. 2011) [46] Skin thickness
Locations: 9 points within the medial, central, and lateral areas of both breasts
Mean skin thickness (mm):
Irradiated Rt chest wall: 0.1712
Nonirradiated Rt side: 0.1845
Irradiated Lt chest wall: 0.1764
Nonirradiated Lt side: 0.1835
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    A significant difference in ↓ skin thickness of the irradiated chest wall compared to the non-irradiated chest

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    The findings indicated chronic skin reactions

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    The medial aspect was consistently thicker than the lateral aspect

(Wratten et al. 2007) [36] Mean epidermal thickness
Locations: 4 cm medial and lateral to the nipple in both breasts
Treated breast:
Baseline: 1.9–2.3 mm
During RT: 1.9–2.5 mm
4–6 months: 2.3–3 mm
1–2 years: 1.5–2.5 mm
Untreated breast: 1.3–1.5 mm at all timepoints
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    Peaked at 4–6 months post RT and mostly returned to baseline levels by 12 months post-RT

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    ↑ epidermal thickness before RT in patients with ALND

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    The thickness of the epidermis was greater medially in both breasts

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    Irradiation of the breast causes little cutaneous oedema in the absence of axillary dissection or nodal irradiation

Abbreviations: RT = radiotherapy, HB = healthy breast, RF = radiofrequency, CF-WBI = conventional fractionated whole-breast irradiation, HF-WBI = hypofractionated whole-breast irradiation, ALND = axillary lymph node dissection, PCC = Pearson correlation coefficient, MVA = multivariate analysis, STRA = skin thickness ratio.