The effect of Nr1d1 overexpression on cell plasticity. (A–C) differentiation of young Sca-1+CD31− cells after Nr1d1 overexpression compared to the negative control group. The left panel shows representative immunofluorescence images stained with cardiomyocyte-specific marker cTnI (A) (red), smooth muscle marker α-SMA (B), and endothelial cell marker VWF (C). Sca-1+CD31− cells were marked with GFP merged with DyLight® 550 (red). Each experiment was repeated three times, and each image represents a single result. Scale bars, 50 μm. The bar graph on the right panel depicts the grayscale values of DyLight® 550 within the GFP region as determined by ImageJ and Photoshop, with data from three independent experiments (n = 3) presented as mean SD. A two-tail unpaired t-test was used for statistical analysis, and p < 0.05 was considered significant.