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. 2022 Oct 18;23(20):12462. doi: 10.3390/ijms232012462

Table 2.

Methods to compare protein cavities.

Year Name Detection Principle Scoring Evaluation Datasets
2002 CavBase [17] LIGSITE [12] Clique detection in graphs of pseudoatoms Overlap of surface grid points, RMSD Cofactor sites, kinases,
serine proteases
2002 eF-site [109] Ligand
Clique detection in graph of surface normal vectors and electrostatic potentials Normalized and weighed contributions of vectors angles, potentials, distances Phosphate sites, antibodies,
PROSITE classes
2003 SuMo [110] Ligand Incremental match of triplets of pseudocenters Count of matches, RMSD, composite of Euclidean and density distances Protease catalytic sites, lectines
2004 SiteEngine [18] Ligand Match of triplets of points by hashing Hierarchical scoring: count of matches, RMSD, overlap of patches, local shape Cofactors, steroids, fatty acid sites, catalytic triad in proteases
2004 SitesBase [111] Ligand Match of triplets of points Count of matches, RMSD Cofactors, phosphate sites
2007 Ramensky et al. [112] Ligand Clique detection in graph of atoms Dice similarity of matches Diverse
2008 Binkowski et al. [113] CAST [6]
Comparison of pairwise distance histograms Kolmogorov–Smirnov divergence, overlap of volume, RMSD Cofactor sites, HIV proteases
2008 PocketMatch [19] Ligand Comparison of sorted pairwise distances Normalized count of matches Diverse, SCOP classes
2008 SiteAlign [20] Ligand Alignment of polyhedron fingerprints Normalized distances of fingerprints Proteases, kinases,
estrogen receptors, GPCRs
2008 SOIPPA [114] Ligand Clique detection in graphs of
Composite weighted by frequencies, PSSM, distances Cofactor sites, SCOP classes
2009 SMAP [33] Ligand Clique detection in graphs of
Gaussian densities from distances, angles of normal vectors, BLOSSUM weights Cofactor sites
2010 BSSF [25] PASS [64] Comparison of fingerprints of binned distances and properties Canberra distances of fingerprints Diverse, synthetic data, SCOP classes
2010 Feldman et al. [30] Ligand Match of subsets of Cα atoms Probabilistic score from distances between matches Diverse, kinases
2010 FuzCav [24] Ligand Fingerprints of triplets of atom features Maximal proportion of matches Diverse, functional groups,
8 difficult cases
2010 Milletti et al. [115] Ligand Comparison of 3 concentric spheres fingerprints encoding neighborhood for each point, solving linear assignment Composite of fingerprint distances and RMSD ATP sites, kinases
2010 P.A.R.I.S
(sup-CK) [116]
Ligand Initial alignment optimized by gradient ascent to maximize a Gaussian kernel Gaussian kernel Cofactor sites
2010 ProBiS [31] Ligand Maximum clique detection in graphs of surface atoms Count of Matches, RMSD, angle between vectors Cofactor/metal sites, protein–protein interfaces, protein–DNA complexes
2011 PocketAlign [117] Ligand Initial pairs from sorted lists of atom distances, then extend Count of matches, RMSD Cofactor sites, SCOP classes
2011 PocketFEATURE [118] Ligand Comparison of 7 concentric spheres fingerprints encoding neighborhood for each microenvironment Normalized Tanimoto similarity of fingerprints Kinases
2012 KRIPO [21] Ligand Fingerprints of triplets of pharmacophore Modified Tanimoto of fingerprints Diverse, fragments subpockets, search of bioisosteric substructures
2012 Patch-Surfer [119] Ligand
Comparison of 3D Zernike of
surface patches solving a weighted bipartite matching
Composite of surface match distances and size differences Cofactor sites
2012 Shaper [47] VolSite [47] Comparison of cloud of points by Gaussian shapes matching Tanimoto, Tversky of matches Diverse, GPCRs, proteases
2012 TIPSA [120] Ligand Match of quadruplets of points,
iterative refinement by Hungarian algorithm
Tanimoto of matches, overlap of volume, normalized RMSD Cofactor sites
2013 Apoc [28] Ligand
Seed alignment by comparing secondary structures, optimized by solving linear assignment problem Composite of vector orientation, distance, properties Diverse, similar ligand recognition sites
2013 TrixP [121] DoGSite [122] Search for common shape and triplets of points by bitmap indexing Composite of matches count, angle between vectors, mismatches penalty Diverse, 8 difficult cases, protease, estrogen receptor, HIV reverse transcriptase
2014 eMatchSite [29] eFindSite [123] Template-based alignment optimized by Hungarian algorithm Machine learning score: RMSD, residue, properties Cofactors, steroid sites
2014 RAPMAD [26] LIGSITE [12] Comparison of 14 pairwise
distance histograms, one for each property
Jensen–Shannon divergence of histograms Cofactor sites, proteases, diverse
2015 IsoMIF [124] GetCleft [125] Clique detection in graphs of
interaction grid points
Tanimoto of descriptors of matched points Cofactors, steroid sites
2016 G-LoSA [126] Ligand Clique detection in graphs of
Feature-weighted count of matches Diverse, Ca+ sites, similar ligands recognition sites, protein–protein interfaces
2016 SiteHopper [127] Ligand Comparison of surface atoms by Gaussian shapes matching Weighted combination of shape and color Tanimoto Diverse using binding affinities
2019 DeepDrug3D [128] Ligand Convolutional neural network model Binary classification Cofactors, steroids sites, proteases
2020 DeeplyTough [32] Fpocket [16]
Convolutional neural network model Binary classification Cofactor sites, diverse and using binding affinities
2020 ProCare [129] VolSite [47] Match of randomly sampled quadruplets refined by iterative closest point Tversky of matched pharmacophoric
Diverse, using functional annotation, fragments subpockets, search of bioisosteric structures
2021 PocketShape [130] Ligand Initial alignment optimized by Hungarian algorithm Composite of matches, orientation of residues Diverse SCOP classes, kinases
2021 Site2Vec [131] Ligand Random forest model on autoencoder-generated descriptors Binary classification Cofactors, steroid sites, diverse