A, histogram of centrum length for 17 lumbar vertebrae listed in Table 6. Type specimens of Zeuglodon paulsonii Brandt, 1873 [25], and Platyosphys einori Gritsenko, 2001 [41], in this sample are labeled with diamonds numbered 1 and 3. Slightly smaller posterior thoracic type specimens of Pachycetus robustus Van Beneden, 1883 [28], and Basilotritus uheni Gol’din and Zvonok, 2013 [50], are labeled with diamonds numbered 2 and 4. OF-1695 is a short-centrum lumbar lacking epiphyses. B, histogram of centrum width for the 17 lumbar vertebrae plotted in panel A. Posterior-thoracic type specimens are shown as well (diamonds 2 and 4). All appear to represent the species Pachycetus paulsonii.