Fig 12. Variability of lumbar length and width in European Pachycetus paulsonii and its synonyms.
A, histogram of centrum length for 17 lumbar vertebrae listed in Table 6. Type specimens of Zeuglodon paulsonii Brandt, 1873 [25], and Platyosphys einori Gritsenko, 2001 [41], in this sample are labeled with diamonds numbered 1 and 3. Slightly smaller posterior thoracic type specimens of Pachycetus robustus Van Beneden, 1883 [28], and Basilotritus uheni Gol’din and Zvonok, 2013 [50], are labeled with diamonds numbered 2 and 4. OF-1695 is a short-centrum lumbar lacking epiphyses. B, histogram of centrum width for the 17 lumbar vertebrae plotted in panel A. Posterior-thoracic type specimens are shown as well (diamonds 2 and 4). All appear to represent the species Pachycetus paulsonii.