Extended Data Fig. 3. Identification of a novel RORγt+ APC lineage.
a, RORγt+Foxp3+ pTreg cell numbers in mLN and LI of RorcVenus-creERT2 mice at indicated postnatal ages (n = 3–4 mice per time-point). b, Cell sorting scheme for Lin(Siglec-F, TCRβ, TCRγδ, CD19, NK1.1)–RORγt(Venus)+MHCII+ cells. c, Heatmap reporting scaled, imputed expression of top differentially expressed genes for each scRNA-seq cluster (one vs the rest, FC > 1.5, P < 0.01). d, Expression score of cell-cycle genes for each scRNA-seq cluster. e, Dot plot showing expression of myeloid genes. f, Flow cytometry of Zbtb46 (GFP) expression in ILC3 subsets from mLN of 3-week-old Zbtb46GFPRorgtcreR26lsl-tdTomato mice. Representative of n = 4 mice from two independent experiments. g-h, CellTypist derived cell labels for cell clusters from Fig. 2g, using a broad classification (g) or finer cell type annotation (h). i, Correspondence between cell labels for scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq.