Extended Data Fig. 8. Drinking and eating in Tet-Tox silenced animals.
a, Shown are graphs for consumption (AceK and IL) in two-bottle 48 h preference assay for control and cNST-silenced animals (n ≥ 8 mice), P = 0.151 (from Fig. 2a). b, Consumption in two-bottle 48 h preference assay for control and Vip-silenced mice (n ≥ 7 mice), P = 0.69 (from Fig. 4b). c, Consumption in two-bottle 48 h preference assay for control and Trpa1-silenced mice (n ≥ 6 mice), P = 0.44 (from Fig. 5c). Values are mean ± s.e.m. d–f, Animals with genetically silenced sugar/nutrient preference vagal neurons (VIP), or fat-only vagal neurons (Trpa1) still exhibit normal innate attraction to sweetener (d), sugar (e), and fat stimuli (f). Shown are graphs for 30 min two-bottle tests for control mice, and for mice with silenced VIP-expressing vagal neurons (VIP-Tx) and mice with silenced Trpa1-expressing vagal neurons (Trpa1-Tx). d, AceK versus water in VIP-Tx (n = 8) and Trpa1-Tx (n = 6) animals is not significantly different from controls. ANOVA with Tukey’s test: VIP-Tx, P = 0.36, Trpa1-Tx, P = 0.66. e, Glucose versus water in VIP-Tx (n = 8) and TrpA1-Tx (n = 6) is not significantly different from control animals. ANOVA with Tukey’s test: VIP-Tx, P = 0.45, Trpa1-Tx, P = 0.67. f, IL versus water in VIP-Tx (n = 8) and TrpA1-Tx (n = 6) is not significantly different from control animals. ANOVA with Tukey’s test: VIP-Tx, P = 0.87, Trpa1-Tx, P = 0.91. Values are mean ± s.e.m. Tastants: AceK (3 mM), Glucose (200 mM), IL (1.5%). g, The graph shows body weight measurements from Vip-Cre animals injected with AAV-Flex-TetTox in both nodose ganglia, from the time the animals were infected until the time behavioral preference tests were performed (days 24–26.); data is presented as percent change, with weight at time zero defined as 100%. Thin lines represent individual animals; dark lines represent the average body weight of TetTox (n = 7 mice, red) and control (n = 10 mice, black) animals. No significant differences were detected, two-way ANOVA, P = 0.37.