a Phase field model simulating germline cell behaviour as a function of their affinity for the follicle epithelium. wt affinity dynamics vs. ectopic effective nurse cell affinity after phase 1 (simulating ectopic Eya expression in MBFCs after phase 1). b–d Individual morphological parameters of the simulation as a function of time. b Interface Angle. c Proportion of the germline-FC interface made up by the oocyte. d, Oocyte proportion of the germline. Phase boundaries were assigned to mid stage 7 and mid stage 10a. e, f Medial confocal sections of ECs expressing gfp (e) or Eya (f) under the control of mirr-GAL4 (mirr > gfp, mirr > eyaOE, MBFC driver), stained for E-Cad, F-Actin and nuclei (DAPI). Numbers denote germline areas in µm2. g, h Individual morphological parameters as a function of germline area for mirr > gfp and mirr > eyaOE ECs. g Interface Angle. h Proportion of the germline-FC interface made up by the oocyte. Dotted lines mark germline sizes at the transition between two phases. Bluegrey area marks 95% CI of the critical size (see Supplementary Fig. 5). All curves are LOESS fitted with a 95% CI area. n (mirr > gfp: 153 EC; mirr > eyaOE: 157 EC). i Illustrations depicting phase 2 mirr > gfp and mirr > eyaOE egg chambers and the quantification of the nurse cell perimeter (light blue dotted line) proportion made up by the nurse cell-FC interface (dark blue line) for individual nurse cells in mirr > gfp and mirr > eyaOE ECs. Nurse cells are grouped by nurse cell row (A: anterior, MA: mid-anterior, MP: mid-posterior, P: posterior). Nurse cell row averages of ECs were analysed. Mean±SE, two-way Anova with Šídák’s multiple comparisons test, n (mirr > gfp (A: 8 ECs, MA: 6 ECs, MP: 8 ECs, P: 8 ECs), mirr > eyaOE (A: 7 ECs, MA: 9 ECs, MP: 9 ECs, P: 9 ECs)). j Oocyte proportion of the germline as a function of germline area for mirr > gfp and mirr > eyaOE ECs. Dotted lines mark germline sizes at the transition between two phases. Bluegrey area marks 95% CI of the critical size. All curves are LOESS fitted with a 95% CI area. n (mirr > gfp: 153 EC; mirr > eyaOE: 157 EC). See Supplementary Table 7 for detailed statistical information. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.