Fig. 2. Rescue of aberrant gene expression in male trisomic brain by Brwd1 renormalization.
a RNA-seq heatmaps of DE genes comparing euploid vs. Ts65Dn vs. Ts65Dn;Brwd1+/– adult male (6-week) hippocampus. Normalized RNA expression values (averaged between replicates) were used to generate z-scores for each row. b Normalized heatmaps of RNA expression values for DE genes in adult male hippocampus that display pairwise significant regulation between Ts65Dn vs. euploid, and are rescued in Ts65Dn;Brwd1+/– vs. Ts65Dn. c Heatmap displays Jaccard index, as well as adjusted p-values, from odds ratio analyses of the overlap between DE genes from euploid vs. Ts65Dn vs. Ts65Dn;Brwd1+/– comparisons and previously published human DS single-nuclei RNA-seq data vs. age-matched controls20. d Bar graph of −log10(adj. p-val) for gene ontology (GO) processes displaying enrichment for PCGs identified in c above. See Supplementary Information Materials for full caption with n’s and statistics. Source data are provided as a source data file.