Table 1.
Overview of donor screening tests.
Test | Acceptable range | Timing |
Vaginal pH | < 4.8 | Screening |
Wet mount | No yeast, trichomonas | Screening |
Vaginal Gram stain | Nugent < 3 | Screening |
Urine pregnancy test | Negative | Screening |
Complete blood count |
WBC: 4.5–11 K/μL Hematocrit: 30–46% Hemoglobin: 12–16 g/dL Platelets: 100–400 K/μL |
Screening |
Basic metabolic panel | Values < 1.2 × upper limit of normal* | Screening |
Liver function tests | Values < 1.2 × upper limit of normal* | Screening |
Hemoglobin A1C | 4.3–6.4% | Screening |
Pap smear | No abnormalities | Screening |
Human papillomavirus DNA | Negative for high-risk types |
Screening Each donation |
Urine culture | Negative | Screening |
Urine toxicology screen | Negative | Screening |
Semen (PSA card) | Negative | Each donation |
Nucleic acid amplification tests for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma genitalium | Negative |
Screening Final donation |
Treponemal test for syphilis (Trep-Sure) | Negative | |
HIV 1 and 2 antibody/antigen, HIV viral load | Negative |
Screening Final donation 30–45 days after final donation |
Hepatitis A IgM | Negative | |
Hepatitis B surface antigen | Negative | |
Hepatitis B core antibody, Total and IgM | Negative | |
Hepatitis C antibody | Negative | |
Human T-lymphotrophic Virus, type 1 and 2 | Negative | |
Cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM |
IgM negative If CMV IgG positive, CMV PCR performed on each donated vaginal fluid aliquot |
Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 and 2 IgG antibodies |
HSV2 IgG negative If HSV1 IgG positive, HSV PCR performed on each donated vaginal fluid aliquot |
Epstein-Barr virus heterophile antibody (Monospot) | Negative |
*Normal ranges in Table S1.