Table 4.
Is a clear research question defined? | Are the data fitting the research questions? | Is the qualitative approach appropriate? | Are data collection methods appropriate? | Are findings adequately derived from data? | Is the interpretation of results sufficiently substantiated by data? | Is there sufficient coherence between data sources, collection, analysis and interpretation? | |
Dodd, 202029 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes* | Yes† | No‡ | Yes |
McCaffery, 200326 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes§ | Yes† | Yes | Yes |
McCaffery, 200627 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Yes† | Yes | Yes |
Nagendiram, 202030 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes* | Yes** | Yes | Yes |
Patel, 201828 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yesa | Yes† | Yes | Yes |
*Semistructured interviews.
†Framework analyses.
‡No information on frequencies of the attitudes were provided.
§Focus group discussion.
¶In-depth interviews.
**Thematic analyses.
MMAT, Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool.