Figure 5.
ASDAS responses at and through week 14. (A) Proportion of patients with ASDAS responses at week 14 was based on NRI-MI analysis. ASDAS low disease activity was defined as ASDAS (CRP) <2.1 and ASDAS inactive disease as ASDAS (CRP) <1.3. (B) Mean change from baseline in ASDAS (CRP) through week 14 was based on MMRM analysis, and the numbers of patients were as observed at each visit. Error bars show 95% CI. Significant in multiplicity-controlled analysis: ***p<0.0001. Without adjustment for multiplicity (nominal): †††p<0.0001. ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; CRP, C-reactive protein; MMRM, mixed-effect model for repeated measures; NRI-MI, non-responder imputation incorporating multiple-imputation; QD, once daily.