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. 2022 Oct 26;5(10):e2238594. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.38594

Table. Summary Characteristics of the Study Population: Visits and Patients.

Characteristic No. (%)
Totala 2015-2016 (Control)b 2016-2017 (Control)b 2018-2019 (Wildfire period)b
Adult AD appointments, No. 5529 1477 1790 2262
Aged ≥65 y 1238 (22.4) 399 (27.0) 372 (20.8) 467 (20.6)
Aged 18-64 y 4291 (77.6) 1078 (73.0) 1418 (79.2) 1795 (79.4)
Adult itch appointments, No. 1319 460 422 437
Aged ≥65 y 614 (46.6) 275 (59.8) 163 (38.6) 176 (40.3)
Aged 18-64 y 705 (53.4) 185 (40.2) 259 (61.4) 261 (59.7)
Total adult dermatology clinic appointments, No. 56 575 17 037 18 421 21 117
Unique adult patients, No. 3448 905 1073 1470
Aged ≥65 y 1008 (29.2) 316 (35.0) 299 (27.9) 400 (27.2)
Aged 18-64 y 2440 (70.8) 589 (65.1) 774 (72.1) 1070 (72.8)
Age of all patients, mean (SD), y 44.6 (21.1) 44.8 (21.5) 44.3 (20.3) 44.5 (21.3)
Aged ≥65 y 76.7 (7.7) 76.3 (7.8) 76.8 (7.3) 76.7 (8.0)
Aged 18-64 y 42.4 (12.3) 42.6 (12.7) 42.5 (12.1) 42.3 (12.1)
Female patients 2325 (67.4) 649 (59) 715 (55) 961 (55)
Aged ≥65 y 623 (26.8) 166 (25.6) 195 (27.3) 261 (27.2)
Aged 18-64 y 1702 (73.2) 483 (74.4) 520 (72.7) 700 (72.8)

Abbreviation: AD, atopic dermatitis.


Percentages represent the fraction of data within the combined data from all 3 time periods.


Percentages represent the fraction of data within the respective time period (eg, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, or 2018-2019), not the combined data.