Table 3.
Synteny around CaMs in Paramecium species. The sequences classified as TRUE in Table 2 were searched for in ParameciumDB and the corresponding upstream and downstream genes localized and assigned to its orthogroup. The column CALMODULIN indicates the accession number of the corresponding CaMs in the different species. To help with visualization, some orthogroup are marked by a different color. Numerals marked with a minus indicate upstream genes, while the other numerals indicate downstream genes.
Species | −4 | −3 | −2 | −1 | CALMODULIN | 1 | 2 | 3 |
P. biaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P00340057 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 |
P. bursaria | OG0000460 | OG0034217 | OG0001284 | OG0022984 | P08860016 | OG0004706 | OG0034218 | OG0010485 |
P. bursaria | OG0011926 | OG0034217 | OG0001284 | OG0022984 | P10140020 | OG0004706 | OG0034218 | OG0010485 |
P. caudatum | OG0008990 | OG0004005 | OG0035853 | OG0035853 | P00070152 | OG0026817 | OG0005842 | OG0000048 |
P. decaurelia | OG0005051 | OG0005051 | OG0006772 | OG0000494 | P00570117 | OG0017080 | OG0000016 | |
P. decaurelia | OG0002384 | OG0018936 | OG0015720 | P01380003 | OG0000209 | OG0008678 | ||
P. decaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P01700057 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 |
P. decaurelia | OG0003883 | OG0012438 | P10230002 | OG0013227 | OG0021818 | OG0000099 | ||
P. jenningsi | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | P00700020 | OG0001289 | ||||
P. novaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P03760010 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 |
P. octaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P71800002770320168 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | |
P. pentaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P0620131 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 |
P. primaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P0030634 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 |
P. quadecaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0000201 | P00610016 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | ||
P. sexaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P0480143 | OG0000584 | OG0000014 | |
P. sexaurelia | OG0014690 | OG0010650 | OG0011665 | OG0003706 | P0490120 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000014 |
P. sonneborni | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | P0470161 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 | OG0000014 | |
P. sonneborni | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P0490186 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0013227 |
P. tetraurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | GSPATP00015825001 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0037287 |
P. tredecaurelia | OG0003656 | OG0001678 | OG0007300 | OG0000201 | P71800001293390118 | OG0013227 | OG0001289 | OG0000584 |