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. 2022 Oct 27;23:934. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05899-1

Table 3.

Results from Propensity Score Matching (1-to-1 matching)

β P β P β P
Surgical approach (ref = cementless)
   Cemented -1.37 .113 -0.11 .766 -0.34 .022
Follow-up (ref = baseline)
  1-month 15.7 .000 3.43 .000 -2.48 .000
  3-month 21.0 .000 5.90 .000 -3.17 .000
  6-month 23.5 .000 7.17 .000 -3.42 .000
Approach interaction (ref = cementless)
  Cemented *1-month 2.46 .042 0.61 .303 0.04 .862
  Cemented *3-month 2.80 .037 1.19 .076 -0.07 .740
  Cemented *6-month 3.33 .028 0.69 .302 0.05 .836
  Age (mean) 0.27 .000 0.09 .000 -0.03 .000
Sex (ref = male)
  Female -1.48 .023 -1.09 .001 0.20 .058
  Body Mass Index -0.08 .091 -0.16 .000 0.002 .813
Race (ref = white)
  Black -3.41 .004 -1.86 .000 1.11 .000
  Other or multiple -1.39 .271 -1.91 .000 0.58 .001
Hispanic (ref = no)
  Yes 2.51 .106 1.28 .064 0.43 .077
Education (ref = less than college)
  College or higher 0.61 .392 0.93 .008 -0.20 .074
Working status (ref = working)
  Unemployed -0.68 .728 -0.81 .337 0.03 .945
  Sick leave or maternity leave -2.69 .036 -4.13 .000 0.90 .000
  Disabled due to hip or knee pain 0.55 .497 -0.84 .038 -0.02 .904
Alcohol use (ref = never)
  Monthly or less -1.10 .227 0.52 .213 0.06 .652
  2–4 times a month -2.11 .061 0.48 .329 0.04 .798
  2–3 times a week -0.01 .995 1.64 .000 -0.19 .229
  4 or more times a week 0.79 .502 1.72 .001 -0.25 .135
Smoke (ref = never)
  Current -3.69 .029 -1.43 .078 0.59 .015
  Former -0.57 .411 -1.00 .003 0.11 .339
Comorbidity (ref = no)
  COPD -2.18 .152 -1.54 .009 0.07 .746
  Paralysis 15.9 .028 15.2 .000 -1.69 .173
  Heart attack 0.22 .863 -0.09 .888 0.36 .149
  Carotid artery disease -1.28 .621 -0.24 .858 -0.23 .626
  Stroke 2.00 .279 0.53 .507 -1.60 .680
  Rheumatoid arthritis -1.73 .243 -1.64 .004 0.41 .038
  Diabetes 1.98 .022 -0.72 .108 0.03 .827
  Cancer 1.46 .210 0.45 .374 -0.11 .493
  Liver disease -0.34 .876 0.66 .507 -0.48 .142
  Peripheral vascular disease 3.13 .133 -1.26 .192 -0.48 .149
  Kidney disease -6.15 .000 -4.04 .000 0.53 .077
  Ulcer disease -6.90 .007 -2.92 .000 0.81 .023
  HIV or AIDS -5.50 .289 -4.44 .084 1.12 .194
  Constant 37.3 .000 43.5 .000 7.17 .000

Note: The estimated coefficients were from 1 to 1 nearest matching within caliper (0.25 SD)