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. 2022 Mar 25;12(8):1968–1978. doi: 10.1177/21925682221087194

Table 2.

Evidence summary table of the included cohort studies.

Authors Year Country Mean Patient Age, yrs Collar Indication Collar Type Reported Complications Frequency of Complications Mean Duration of Wear, Days
Moran et al. 2013 Australia NR Trauma Aspen Dysphagia Delirium LRTI Falls 4/8 (50%) 3/8 (38%) 5/8 (63%) 3/8 (38%) NR d
Molinari et al. 2012 USA 84 Trauma Miami J Skin breakdown/ulceration 2/34 (6%) 84 (SD = 0)
Powers et al. 2006 USA 37.8 Trauma Aspen Skin breakdown/ulceration 33/484 (7%) 10.3 (SD = 11.4)
Molano et al. 2004 Spain 35.5 Trauma NR Skin breakdown/ulceration 22/92 (24%) NR e
Nakanishi et al. 2019 Australia 81.9 Trauma Philadelphia Skin breakdown/ulceration HAP 11/90 (12%) 10/90 (11%) NR
Hylton et al. 2016 UK 74 Trauma Miami J Psychosocial issues Skin breakdown/ulceration Skin erythema 6/51 (12%) 2/51 (4%) 10/51 (20%) 50.8
Ham et al. 2014 USA 43.7 Trauma Various Skin breakdown/ulceration 1/88 (1%) 3.5 (SD = 3.4)
Lewis et al. 2011 Australia NR Trauma NR Skin breakdown/ulceration 2/32 (6%) NR f
Ackland et al. 2007 Australia 40.9 a Trauma Philadelphia Skin breakdown/ulceration 27/299 (9%) NR g
Karlberg et al. 1991 Sweden 26.8 Volunteer Philadelphia Impaired voluntary saccades NR 5
Borders et al. 2018 USA NR b Trauma NR Dysphagia 104/113 (92%) NR
Kalb et al. 2012 USA 51 Post-operative NR Dysphagia NR c NR
Iizuka et al. 2005 Japan 61.4 Post-operative Philadelphia Reduced cervical ROM NR 42 h

aMean male age = 38.2 yrs and mean female age = 43.5 yrs; assumption of equal proportion.

bA majority (58%) of patients were under 65 yrs.

cThere were 27 cases of dysphagia reported, with no significant increase in the hard collar group.

dDuration of immobilisation = 2–12 weeks.

eMedian day of ulcer detection = 7.

fMean duration of all patients = 94.5 days.

gMedian duration = 1 day (IQR = 2).

hOne group 8 weeks in collar and the other 4 weeks in collar.

NR = not reported, LRTI = lower respiratory tract infection, HAP = hospital acquired pneumonia, ROM = range of motion