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. 2022 Sep 23;10(10):1601. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10101601

Table 1.

Participant characteristics, by vaccine type and overall (n = 9101).

Characteristic ChAdOx1
(n = 5770)
(n = 3331)
(n = 9101)
Age Median age, years (IQR) 63.5 (57.0–68.9) 65.5 (57.4–71.6) 64.2 (57.1–69.9)
Age range, years 17.4 89.4 16.6 90.5 16.6 90.5
Sex, n (%) Male 1671 (29.0) 956 (28.7) 2627 (28.9)
Female 4099 (71.0) 2375 (71.3) 6474 (71.1)
Ethnicity, n (%) 1 White 5565 (96.4) 3222 (96.7) 8787 (96.5)
South Asian 119 (2.1) 60 (1.8) 179 (2)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 62 (1.1) 38 (1.1) 100 (1.1)
Mixed/Multiple/Other 24 (0.4) 10 (0.3) 34 (0.4)
Nation of residence 2 England 5177 (89.8) 2906 (87.3) 8083 (88.8)
Northern Ireland 39 (0.7) 78 (2.3) 117 (1.3)
Scotland 358 (6.2) 199 (6.0) 557 (6.1)
Wales 194 (3.4) 147 (4.4) 341 (3.8)
Body mass index, kg/m2, n (%) 3 <25 2845 (49.3) 1596 (47.9) 4441 (48.8)
25–30 1881 (32.6) 1097 (32.9) 2978 (32.7)
>30 1034 (17.9) 636 (19.1) 1670 (18.3)
Highest educational level attained, n (%) 4 Primary/Secondary 636 (11) 401 (12) 1037 (11.4)
Higher/Further (A levels) 857 (14.9) 441 (13.2) 1298 (14.3)
College 2540 (44) 1500 (45) 4040 (44.4)
Post-graduate 1736 (30.1) 984 (29.5) 2720 (29.9)
Quantiles of IMD rank, n (%) 5 Q1 (most deprived) 1172 (20.3) 786 (23.6) 1958 (21.5)
Q2 1417 (24.6) 782 (23.5) 2199 (24.2)
Q3 1537 (26.6) 868 (26.1) 2405 (26.4)
Q4 (least deprived) 1639 (28.4) 893 (26.8) 2532 (27.8)
Tobacco smoking, n (%) Non-current/never smoker 5546 (96.1) 3194 (95.9) 8740 (96)
Current smoker 224 (3.9) 137 (4.1) 361 (4)
Alcohol consumption/week, units, n (%) None 1505 (26.1) 896 (26.9) 2401 (26.4)
1–7 2018 (35) 1212 (36.4) 3230 (35.5)
8–14 1186 (20.6) 695 (20.9) 1881 (20.7)
15–21 593 (10.3) 310 (9.3) 903 (9.9)
22–28 263 (4.6) 127 (3.8) 390 (4.3)
>28 205 (3.6) 91 (2.7) 296 (3.3)
Self-assessed general health Excellent 1183 (20.5) 654 (19.6) 1837 (20.2)
Very good 2336 (40.5) 1315 (39.5) 3651 (40.1)
Good 1441 (25.0) 925 (27.8) 2366 (26.0)
Fair 637 (11.0) 344 (10.3) 981 (10.8)
Poor 173 (3.0) 93 (2.8) 266 (2.9)
Pre-vaccination anti-spike IgG/A/M serostatus Negative 3789 (65.7) 1770 (53.1) 5559 (61.1)
Positive 696 (12.1) 325 (9.8) 1021 (11.2)
Unknown 1285 (22.3) 1236 (37.1) 2521 (27.7)
Post-vaccination anti-spike IgG/A/M serostatus Negative 334 (5.8) 40 (1.2) 374 (4.1)
Positive 5436 (94.2) 3291 (98.8) 8727 (95.9)
Median inter-dose interval, weeks (IQR) 11.0 (10.0–11.2) 10.7 (9.5–11.1) 11.0 (9.8–11.1)
Median time from date of second vaccine dose to date of sampling, weeks (IQR) 7.6 (5.7–9.6) 10.1 (8.3–13.1) 8.6 (6.4–10.7)

Abbreviations: IQR, inter-quartile range; s.d., standard deviation; IMD, index of multiple deprivation; Ig, Immunoglobulin. (1) Ethnicity not reported for n = 1 who received BNT162b2 vaccine. (2) Nation of residence not reported for n = 1 who received BNT162b2 vaccine and n = 2 who received ChAdOx1 vaccine. (3) BMI not reported for n = 10 who received BNT162b2 vaccine and n = 2 who received ChAdOx1 vaccine. (4) Level of education not reported for n = 5 who received BNT162b2 vaccine and n = 1 who received ChAdOx1 vaccine. (5) IMD rank not reported for n = 2 who received BNT162b2 vaccine and n = 5 who received ChAdOx1 vaccine.