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. 2022 Oct 4;10(10):586. doi: 10.3390/toxics10100586

Table 6.

The study parameters and effects of MPs and NPs on hepatic lipid metabolism.

Research Object Particle Size Material Number of Particles Concentration Mode of Exposure Exposure Time Summary Reference
Zebrafish 70 nm, 5 μm PS 1.1 × 108–10 particles/mL, 2.9 × 102–4 particles/mL 0, 20, 200, 2000 μg/L In water 3 weeks Lipid droplets were found in the liver pathological pictures of the 2000 μg/L 70 nm, 5 μm exposure group. [27]
Juvenile D. labrax 45 nm PMMA - 0, 0.02, 0.2, 2, 20 mg/L In water 96 h The transcription levels of the genes related to lipid metabolism, pparα, pparγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor), and nd5, were upregulated in the liver at 96 h exposure. [107]
Black rockfish 500 nm, 15 μm PS - 190 μg/L In water 21 days The HIS (liver index) value was generally positively correlated with the liver metabolism (e.g., lipid, protein) of the fish, and the 15μm group had a larger liver index than the other groups. [106]
Larimichthys crocea 80 nm PS - 0, 1, 10, 100 mg/kg·di In diet 21 days The liver of the high-dose group was enlarged and appeared white, and the contents of TG and lipids in the liver after PSNPs exposure were significantly higher than those in the control group. Oil red O staining showed that the higher the exposure dose, the higher the accumulation of lipid droplets in the liver; the expression of the genes involved in the process of lipid synthesis, decomposition, and transport changed. [52]
Yellow croaker hepatocytes 80 nm PS - 0, 5, 20, 80 mg/L In culture medium 24 h The expression of lipid synthesis genes fas, srebp1, and pparγ in hepatocytes increased, and the lipid catabolism atg1, pparα, and aco genes increased and then decreased. [52]
Oryzias melastigmas 10, 200 μm PS 1.82 × 1010 particles/m3, 2.27 × 106 particles/m3 10 mg/L In water 30, 45, 60 days PS exposure inhibited the accumulation of fatty acid, fatty acid methyl ester, and fatty acid ethyl ester in the liver of marine medaka. [48]
Oryzias melastigma 2, 10, 200 μm PS - 10 mg/L In water 60 days The hepatic lipid content was significantly increased in the 200 μm PS-MPs exposure group. [102]
ICR male mice 5, 20 μm PS 1.46 × 106 items, 2.27 × 104 items 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 mg/day Oral gavage 28 days Hepatic HE staining showed lipid droplets; the levels of TC and TG in the liver decreased. [29]
ICR mice 5 μm PS - 0, 100, 1000 μg/L In water 6 weeks The levels of TCH and TG in the liver of the parental female mice were significantly higher in a concentration-dependent manner than those of the control group, and the level of TCH in the F1 liver was significantly decreased; the level of TG in the liver of the F1 male mice changed, and the level of TG in the F1 female mice decreased; [65]
Mice Mus musculus 5, 20 μm PS - 0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 mg/mL Oral gavage 4 weeks Exposure to 5 and 20 μm PS-MPs inhibited liver TG levels in mice. [115]
High-fat diet C57BL/6 female mice 42 nm PS - 0, 10, 50 μg/ml Inject via tail vein 5 times in 15 days Liver TC, TG, pparα, and pparγ gene mRNA expression were not affected, unlike the fat and cpt1α gene levels, which were. [68]
C57 mice 5 μm PS - 500 μg/L In water 28 days Exposure to PSMP caused TG accumulation. [105]

PMMA: polymethyl–methacrylate; di: diet; -: unknown.