Table 3.
Fungal Culture | Raw Reads | After Quality Control and Size Selection a | Structural RNAs b | Clean Mappable Reads c | % strRNA | % Clean Mappable Reads | Count Mapped Reads d | % Mapped Reads | Count Unmapped Reads | % Unmapped Reads |
BCD2 | 12,280,779 | 6354430 | 1210857 | 5143573 | 19.06 | 80.94 | 4387783 | 85.31 | 755790 | 14.69 |
BCD7 | 12,018,693 | 5979763 | 1538344 | 4441419 | 25.73 | 74.27 | 3839643 | 86.45 | 601776 | 13.55 |
BCD8 | 16,243,640 | 7241215 | 2201059 | 5040156 | 30.40 | 69.6 | 4423800 | 87.77 | 616356 | 12.23 |
FREE5 | 13,576,160 | 6657187 | 1234775 | 5422412 | 18.55 | 81.45 | 5134752 | 94.69 | 287660 | 5.31 |
FREE6 | 14,654,508 | 7783981 | 1654271 | 6129710 | 21.25 | 78.75 | 5801256 | 94.64 | 328454 | 5.36 |
FREE8 | 15,329,619 | 7720742 | 1532205 | 6188537 | 19.85 | 80.15 | 5875387 | 94.94 | 313150 | 5.06 |
a Number of reads that passed quality control steps, including adapter and base quality trimming, and were 18—30 nt long, b Number of reads mapped to Rfam databases, including tRNA, rRNA, snoRNA, snRNA, siRNA, etc. c Number of reads remaining after quality and size selection and removal of structural RNAs, d Number of raw reads mapped to the Ceratobasidium C02 genome.