Table 2.
MEDS433 Concentration (Fold of EC50 a) + DPY 3 μM | MEDS433/DPY CI b |
Drug Combination Effect c of MEDS433 and DPY |
4× | 0.824 ± 0.023 | Moderate Synergism |
2× | 0.607 ± 0.116 | Synergism |
1× | 0.341 ± 0.025 | Synergism |
0.5× | 0.203 ± 0.044 | Strong Synergism |
0.25× | 0.126 ± 0.032 | Strong Synergism |
a The EC50 values of MEDS433 were determined by VRAs in IAV-infected A549 cells, as described in the Materials and Methods. b Combination index (CI), obtained by computational analysis with the CompuSyn software 1.0. Reported values represent means ± SDs of data derived from n = 3 independent experiments in triplicate. c According to the method of Chou [31], drug combination effects are defined as: strong synergism for 0.1 < CI < 0.3; synergism for 0.3 < CI < 0.7; moderate synergism for 0.7 < CI < 0.85; slight synergism for 0.85 < CI < 0.90; nearly additive for 0.90 < CI < 1.10; slight antagonism for 1.10 < CI < 1.20; moderate antagonism for 1.20 < CI < 1.45.