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. 2022 Oct 19;14(20):4379. doi: 10.3390/nu14204379

Table 2.

Original text extracts from results and discussion/conclusion of the clinical studies investigating gallbladder functioning and regulation in CD patients.

Results Conclusions
et al.,
1971 [16]
-“Area of gallbladder shadow after fat, expressed as percentage of resting area, in coeliac patients and controls” was assessed by the radiologist and related to the degree of gallbladder contraction.
-“in coeliac patients the gallbladder area after “fat is significantly greater than normal in relation to the resting value (p < 0.01)”.
-“Our finding, in most of the coeliac patients, of a prolonged taurocholate half-life and a decreased recirculation of metabolites of taurocholate is consistent with stagnation of bile in the biliary tree”.
-“…in most patients with coeliac disease the gallbladder contracts minimally or not at all in response to a fatty meal”.
et al.,
1975 [24]
-“Fasting serum CCK levels were significantly raised in patients with CD (mean 1081 pg/mL ± 250 S.E.M.), being higher than in any of the controls (mean 68 pg/mL ± 28 S.E.M.) in nine of the 10 patients (p < 0.002). In contrast, the peak serum cholecystokinin levels, and the increments in serum cholecystokinin after fat were both lower in patients with celiac disease, but the difference from control subjects did not reach significant levels”.
-“Emptying of the gallbladder was less completed in patients with celiac disease, as judged by the percentage reduction in radioactivity over the gallbladder. After an hour the celiac gallbladder still retained approximately two thirds of its fasting activity, as compared with only one third in controls (p < 0.0025)”.
-The onset of gallbladder emptying was significantly delayed in celiac patients”.
-“This study confirms the previous findings of a sluggish gallbladder response to food in patients with celiac disease. The poor response, however, does not appear to be due solely to failure of endogenous cholecystokinin release by the abnormal small bowel mucosa, as was previously suggested…”
-Peak serum levels after food are normal in patients with celiac disease. The gallbladder itself appears to be resistant to the action of cholecystokinin, and this resistance may in some way to be related to the presence of constantly high levels of this hormone in the blood, the reason for which remains obscure. “
et al.,
1977 [25]
-“Following CCK-PZ stimulation, 10 normal control subjects showed a bilirubin increase from 1.92 ± 1.00 to 26.09 ± 7.72 mg/60 min. In 11 patients with intestinal atrophy bilirubin output increased from 0.68 ± 0.45 to 41.09 ± 23.54 mg/60 min. The increase in bilirubin output following CCK-PZ stimulation was not different in the control and patient groups”.
-“In 10 normal control subjects the bilirubin output increased from 2.02 ± 0.97 to 35.19 ± 18.45 mg/60 min following instillation of magnesium sulfate, whereas in 11 patients with intestinal atrophy the increase was from 0.76 ± 0.42 to 2.39 ± 1.24 mg/60 min (p < 0.001)”.
-“The patients with atrophy of the small-intestinal mucosa in the basal state showed a reduced secretion of bile bilirubin, and in almost half of the cases, bile in the duodenum was totally absent”.
-“These results seem to be related to a deficient release or synthesis of endogenous cholecystokinin from a damaged small-intestinal mucosa and seems to confirm that small-intestinal mucosa in celiac sprue is incapable, for whatever reason, of responding to a well-known stimulating mechanism”.
et al.,
1979 [26]
-“Cells displaying somatostatin, GIP or CCK immunoreactivity were fairly numerous in all specimens. The number of these cells was almost doubled in the patients having a flat mucosa”. -“We found that in the flat mucosa the somatostatin cells, GIP cells, and CCK cells were markedly increased in number, while the number of secretin cells was slightly reduced. The endocrine cell pattern and the intestinal morphology returned to normal upon withdrawal of gluten (four patients)”.
et al.,
1982 [27]
-“In normal subjects fasting CCK-like immunoreactivity was <0.8 pmol/L, and after a light breakfast increased to 2.0 ± 0.7 (range 1.0 to 4.8) pmol/L; CCK8-like activity accounted for all the increased immunoreactivities. In five of six celiac patients the concentrations of both fasting and postprandial CCK-like immunoreactivity in plasma were undetectable (<0.8 pmol/L)”.
-“The study has revealed at least four major forms of immunoreactive CCK in normal human duodenal mucosa. The predominating form (IIN) had the properties of CCK8, […]. All four forms occurred in lower concentration in celiac mucosa compared with normals. In plasma of normal subjects after feeding we were able to demonstrate an increase of CCK8-like immunoreactivity, but significant amounts of CCK-like peptides were not consistently found in the circulation of celiacs after feeding”.
-“We conclude that diminished production and release of CCK could account for the impaired pancreatic and gall bladder responses to intraluminal stimuli in celiac disease”.
-“The results raise the possibility that the decreased postprandial circulating CCK in celiacs is a direct consequence of diminished tissue stores of hormone”.
et al.,
1984 [28]
-“In our patients, GB volumes did not significantly decrease after fatty meal. In particular, residual GB volumes 30 min after ingestion were 91.5, 86, 93, and 84%, respectively, of pre-stimulation ones (normal values in 21 volunteers: 52.9 ± 4.5%)”. -“To our knowledge, our cases are the first in which an ultrasonographic method was applied to study GB function in CD” and supported “gallbladder inertia” in CD patients”.
et al.,
1985 [29]
-“The half-time of gallbladder emptying were 20.4 ± 2.9 min (mean ± SEM) for normals and 22.1 ± 2.8 min in treated patients with celiac disease (NS). In patients with untreated celiac disease half-times were 154.3 ± 10.3 min (p < 0.02 vs. normals and treated patients with celiac disease), and in 2 nonresponsive patients, half-times were 40.7 and 37.3 min”.
-“Integrated plasma cholecystokinin responses were 473 ± 87 and 436 ± 137 pm/L/30 min in normals and treated patients with celiac disease (NS). In untreated patients with celiac disease values 322 pmol/L/30 min’. In untreated patients with celiac diseases the values were 16 ± 9 pmoI/L/30 min-’ (p < 0.001 vs. normals and treated patients with celiac disease), and in nonresponsive patients values were 442 and 322 pmol/L/30 min”.
-“These data demonstrate that, in untreated celiac disease, there is a failure of the gallbladder to empty in response to a fatty meal, and this is associated with a failure to release CCKs into the circulation. After adequate treatment with a gluten free diet, the meal liberates CCK and causes gallbladder contraction. Our results also suggest that, in nonresponsive celiac disease, there is slightly impaired gallbladder emptying associated with a mild reduction in circulating CCK…”
-“We conclude that there is a reversible defect of gallbladder emptying and cholecystokinin release in celiac disease”.
et al.,
1986 [30]
-“The density of endocrine cells for each group is shown in the Table. The analysis of variance (f-test) revealed statistically significant differences in the results for each group (p < 0.01). A multiple comparison was therefore carried out using Scheffe’s test. All four quantitative methods used showed that the active coeliacs (group a) and the coeliacs receiving gluten-challenge (group c) had significantly more endocrine cells than the normal controls.
-“Comparison between the morphological features of the disease, villous atrophy and lymphocytic infiltration, and endocrine cell density revealed no obvious relationship”.
-“In the present study, all the methods of quantification used showed a significant increase in the enteric endocrine cells of coeliacs with active disease, in comparison with normal controls. Coeliac children who had been treated successfully with a gluten-free diet, however, showed a gut endocrine cell population similar to that seen in the control group”.
-“In conclusion, it seems that a complex modification of endocrine cell turnover takes place in active coeliac disease. These changes, which disappear after effective therapy, may give rise to the reported functional disturbances in gut hormone release”.
et al.,
1987 [31]
-“Patients with coeliac disease required a considerably larger dose of caerulein to initiate gall bladder emptying (3.80 ± 1.08 v 1.49 ± 0.56 ng/kg, p < 0.02), and there was a correspondingly longer delay from the start of the infusion until emptying began. The speed of gall bladder emptying tended to be slower than normal in patients with coeliac disease, but this was not statistically significant”.
-“By the end of the 60-min infusion of caerulein, gall bladder emptying was less complete in the patients than in the controls (percentage emptying at end of caerulein infusion 34.6 ± 9.9 v 61.5 ± 7.5, p < 0.02)”.
-“These results suggest that the abnormal gall bladder contraction in coeliac disease is not simply because of impaired release of cholecystokinin. Although mechanical factors secondary to the increased gall bladder size in patients with coeliac disease might to some extent account for the findings, the alternative explanation is that the gall bladder muscle is for some reason resistant to the action of cholecystokinetic agents”.
et al.,
1989 [32]
-“The mucosal CCK-like immunoreactivity showed no peculiar profile in coeliac sprue. In general, the duodenal CCK-concentrations of coeliac sprue patients tended to be lower than control values. The level of significance (p < 0.05) was, however, not reached”. -“Although the CCK measurements were made at the site of maximal involvement with coeliac disease and the morphology of duodenum and proximal jejunal segments had not reverted toward normal, mucosal CCK concentrations of our coeliac sprue patients were not significantly different from controls. They showed, however, a tendency to lowered mucosal levels”.
et al.,
1991 [33]
-“Both in the patients and in the controls infusion of stepwise increasing doses of cerulein, in the range of 1–16 ng/kg/h, induced dose-related changes in plasma CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI) (r = 0.99; p < 0.001) and gallbladder emptying (r > 0.97; p < 0.01). Plasma CCK-LI and gallbladder responses were not significantly different among untreated coeliac patients, treated coeliac patients, and controls”. -“Gallbladder sensitivity to cerulein in untreated and treated coeliac patients was not significantly different from that in controls. It is concluded that the abnormally decreased gallbladder contraction in coeliac patients is the result of a reduced endogenous CCK secretion and not of a lack of end-organ responsiveness to CCK”.
et al.,
1999 [34]
-“Basal plasma CCK levels in celiac patients with a flat jejunal mucosa (2.8 ± 0.2 pM), in patients with an intact intestinal mucosa while on a glute n-free die t (3.3 ± 0.2 pM) and in controls (2.8 ± 0.2 pM) were not significantly different from each other”.
-“Plasma CCK increments in response to these stepwise increasing doses of BBS were not significantly different among patients and normal subjects”
-“The average slopes of the linear regression of plasma CCK increments and log BBS doses […] were not significantly different among the three groups, indicating similar dose-response relationships between healthy subjects and patients with celiac disease”.
-“Fasting gallbladder volume was 31.1 ± 5.5 mL in untreated patients, 44.2 ± 7.9 mL in treated patients, and 26.5 ± 2.8 mL in healthy volunteers (NS).
-“The degree of gallbladder contraction at the end of each BBS dose was not significantly different among celiac patients and healthy controls, [as well as] the average slopes of the linear regression of decrease s in gallbladder volume and log BBS doses…indicating similar dose ± response relationships”.
-“The present study shows that intravenous infusion of BBS markedly and dose dependently stimulates plasma CCK release and gallbladder contraction in celiac patients with a flat jejunal mucosa. Plasma CCK and gallbladder responses to bombesin in the patients with a flat jejunal mucosa were comparable to the response s found in healthy subjects and in celiac patients with a normal intestinal mucosa while on a gluten free diet”.
-“Because CCK is the principal mediator of bombesin-stimulated gallbladder contraction, this suggests that gallbladder sensitivity to circulating endogenous CCK is not impaired”.
-“In conclusion, plasma CCK release and gallbladder contraction in response to increasing dose s of intravenously administered BBS are not reduced in patients with celiac disease and a flat jejunal mucosa when compared to healthy subjects. Thus, the impaired postprandial CCK release and gallbladder contraction in these patients are not related to abnormalities in CCK-secreting capacity but to impaired stimulation by (undigested) nutrients”.
et al.,
1999 [35]
-“GB fasting volume was significantly higher in celiac patients at diagnosis than in controls (p = 0.021) and at a borderline level of significance after GFD (p = 0.059). After the fatty meal, GB EF% was significantly lower in the newly diagnosed patients than in the other two groups (p = 0.005 and p = 0.007, respectively) and GB residual volume was significantly higher (p = 0.005 and p = 0.01, respectively)”.
-“Celiac patients at diagnosis had a significantly greater mean overall emptying volume than controls (16.97 vs. 7.20 mL, respectively; p = 0.0007). […] Successful GFD significantly reduced the overall emptying volume (16.97 vs. 9.16 mL, p = 0.0057)”.
-“… basal CCK plasma levels were comparable in celiac patients before and after GFD and in controls. After a fatty meal, patients at diagnosis had significantly lower CCK peak values and areas under the concentration time curves (CCK AUC) than patients after GFD and controls (p = 0.009 and p = 0.028, and p = 0.028 for both comparisons, respectively)”.
-“In all subjects GB EF% correlated with CCK peak values (rs = 0.68, p = 0.002) and CCK AUC (rs = 0.81, p = 0.001)”.
-“The oral fatty meal-induced increase in CCK plasma levels, as shown by CCK peak and AUC, was significantly lower in our celiac patients at diagnosis than after treatment or in the controls. […] the low CCK peak value and small CCK integrated secretion may explain the lower GB EF% observed in the celiac patients before treatment compared with the other two groups. The complete restoration of CCK response to a fatty meal and normalization of GB contraction after successful long-term GFD…”.
-“Overall, in untreated celiac patients increased SS circulating levels seem to cause increased GB fasting volume, whereas derangement of CCK secretion by atrophic small intestinal mucosa could be the main mechanism underlying the significantly defective GB motor response to a fatty meal”.
et al.,
2001 [36]
-“Basal PYY was increased in untreated celiac patients (N = 13) compared to patients on a gluten free diet (N = 9) [15.6 (11.8–27.0) pM vs. 12.2 (10.1–13.1) pM; p < 0.05] and compared to control subjects (N = 15) [9.5 (8.3–10.4) pM; p < 0.001]. Integrated PYY in response to intraduodenally infused predigested fat (1071 ± 293 pM 80 min) was significantly (p < 0.05) greater than in response to undigested fat (322 ± 223 pM 80 min) in six untreated celiacs”.
- “Integrated plasma CCK concentrations were significantly increased over basal values in response to predigested fat (113 ± 32 pM; p = 0.02), but not in response to undigested fat (51 ± 41 pM; NS). Plasma CCK concentrations were significantly correlated with plasma PYY concentrations (r = 0.79; p = 0.001)”.
-“The strong correlation between plasma PYY and plasma CCK demonstrated in the present study supports this hypothesis and it suggests that the release of CCK in response to digested fat contributes at least in part to the increased PYY response to digested fat in celiac patients”.
et al.,
2002a [37]
-“A significant decrease in basal CCK plasma was observed in group C celiac patients with a flat mucosa (0.6 [0.3–1.3] pmol/L) and in group B patients with the infiltrative type (0.4 [0.2–0.7] pmol/L), compared with the patients with a totally normalised mucosa (1.6 [1.0–2.4] pmol/L) and with the volunteers (1.0 [0.7–1.4] pmol/L) (p < 0.005)”.
-“Although no differences could be seen between the two test meals, a significantly decreased CCK release was observed in groups B and C patients (p < 0.05). […] Peak values of CCK immunoreactivity were significantly decreased in celiac patients with a flat mucosa (group C) and the infiltrative type of mucosa (group B) (p < 0.0001)”
-“Initial fasting gallbladder volumes were 19 ± 2, 23 ± 3 and 37 ± 6 cm3 in control subjects, groups B and C patients, respectively. Group C fasting gallbladder volumes were significantly higher compared with the control subjects (p < 0.05). Significant contraction of gallbladder was observed in all groups except in group C patients with a destructive mucosa. Postprandial values were 8 ± 1 cm3 in control subjects (p < 0.001, compared with fasting volumes), 12 ± 1 cm3 in group B (p < 0.005) and 24 ± 4 cm3(NS) in group C”.
-“Our study confirmed that CCK release is impaired in untreated celiac patients. Although previous reports demonstrated a recovery of normal CCK release in patients under a gluten-free diet, we were able to show that this recovery needs full restoration of the celiac duodenal mucosa. A defective release was indeed still present in patients whose mucosa displayed a significant IEL infiltrate. Only patients without any atrophy or subatrophy and without any increased IEL infiltrate had a basal and postprandial CCK release similar to the control group. These results favour the hypothesis of an interaction between IELs and CCK cells”.
-“In conclusion, we demonstrated that the intraepithelial lymphocytic infiltrate observed in the intestinal mucosa of patients with celiac disease is associated with decreased plasma CCK levels. CCK postprandial plasma secretion was not improved by the administration of a predigested standard meal. Impaired CCK release in celiac disease is therefore not due to reduced protein hydrolysis in the duodenal lumen, that was previously linked to mucosal atrophy. Some inhibitory mechanism could be involved in the CCK cell dysfunction observed in celiac patients presenting with lesser degrees of disease activity”.
et al.,
2002b [38]
-“CCK cell size did not change, and CCK cells were found in crypts and villi both in controls and patients with an infiltrative pattern or a normalized mucosa, and throughout the crypts of patients with atrophic mucosa. A nonsignificant decrease in the number of CCK cells, in the epithelial surface and in the ratio of CCK cells to epithelial surface was observed in group A (patients with atrophic mucosa)”.
-“Between-group comparison showed a significant decrease in CCK concentration in patients from group A with atrophic changes (p = 0.006), but surprisingly also in patients from group B with an infiltrative pattern (p = 0.01)”.
-“Significantly lower concentrations of CCK mRNA were seen in patients with a destructive-type mucosa compared with controls and treated patients with a normal mucosa (CCK}RPL19 ratio, p = 0.03). Interestingly, a similar decrease was also seen in the duodenal biopsies with an infiltrative pattern (p = 0.05)”.
-“The present studies provide evidence that the defective release of CCK, observed in patients with coeliac disease, is not related to a decrease in the number of CCK cells present in the proximal part of the small intestine, but rather to a decrease in CCK synthesis mediated by a decrease in mRNA content”.
-“In conclusion, our results confirm an impaired upper intestinal endocrine function in coeliac disease. We demonstrated a decrease in duodenal CCK concentrations and a reduction in CCK mRNA transcripts without significant changes in the number of CCK expressing cells, especially in patients with high IEL counts. Reduced expression of the CCK gene could, therefore, be related to suppressive factors induced by the inflammatory infiltrate”.
et al.,
2006 [39]
-“Plasma octapeptide CCK8 values obtained from 12 children with CMPE and 24 patients with CD at a time when they were on milk-free and gluten-free diet, respectively, and had normal intestinal mucosa, […]. Mean fasting values (T ± SD) were 0.7725 ± 0.3209 and 1.0092 ± 0.6304 pmol/L in CMPE and CD, respectively. The values were comparable in the 2 groups and the controls (0.7317 ± 0.6909) pmol/L (p > 0.05). Mean postprandial values were 1.8492 ± 0.6173 and 2.5792 ± 1.6243 pmol/L in CMPE and CD, respectively. Again, there was no statistical difference between the 2 groups and the controls (2.0084 ± 1.8570 pmol/L; p > 0.05). There was significant difference, however, between fasting and postprandial values in both groups and the controls (p < 0.001)”.
-“Plasma CCK values obtained from patients with villous atrophy…Mean fasting values were 0.6475 ± 0.3264 and 0.7383 ± 0.5186 pmol/L in CMPE and CD, respectively. They were not statistically different from those of the control group (0.7317 ± 0.6709 pmol/L; p > 0.05). Mean postprandial values were 0.7133 ± 0.3019 and 0.8246 ± 0.5132 pmol/L in CMPE and CD, respectively. They were comparable (p > 0.05) but statistically different from those of the control group (2.0084 ± 1.8570 pmol/L; p = 0.001). There was no significant difference between fasting and postprandial values in CMPE, whereas the difference in CD barely reached statistical significance (p = 0.046)”.
-The study has also demonstrated poor CCK response to a meal in patients with CD or CMPE patients having flat intestinal mucosa. The meal-induced increase in CCK plasma levels were significantly lower in patients with flat intestinal mucosa as compared with those having normal mucosa or controls”.
-“In conclusion, we have demonstrated that plasma CCK release in response to oral nutrients is decreased in patients having intestinal mucosa atrophy. This may lead to lack of exocrine pancreas stimulation. This study supports the hypothesis that exocrine pancreatic impairment in patients, who have intestinal mucosal atrophy and are not markedly undernourished, may be attributed to reduced CCK secretion from the CCK secreting cells located in the damaged intestinal mucosa rather than pancreatic acinar dysfunction”.
et al.,
2012 [40]
-“Mean fasting GB volume was significantly larger in CD patients than in healthy controls (32.2 ± 19.1 mL vs. 17.6 ± 5.1 mL, respectively, p = 0.0041), as was residual postprandial GB volume (8.5 ± 8.8 mL vs. 2.2 ± 1.7 mL), respectively, p = 0.0038)”.
-“Fourteen of the 19 CD patients enrolled in the study have been studied twice, before and during GFD. […]GB volume decreased in each individual patient and mean value decreased from 32.1 ± 1.4 mL at baseline to 20.6 ± 9.6 mL (p = 0.0549) during GFD, a value similar to that observed in healthy controls (17.6 ± 5.1 mL). Postprandial residual volume also decreased in each individual patient and mean value volume decreased from 8.3 ± 8.9 mL at baseline to 2.4 ± 1.7 mL during GFD (p = 0.0134), a value similar to that observed in healthy controls (2.2 ± 1.7 mL)”.
-“Our study confirms a functional alteration of GB motility in CD patients, and a prompt return to normality during GFD”.
et al.,
2021 [41]
-“After a strict GFD for a period of 6 months, repeat HBS and USG were performed to evaluate GBEF in the 8 children who had impaired GBEF by HBS at baseline. Apart from a significant improvement in GBEF on HBS (19% to 74%, p < 0.001), the GBEF also improved significantly as assessed by USG parameters after GFD (p < 0.001). The fasting GB volume reduced, with significant improvement in postprandial percentage GB volume change compared to baseline pre-GFD values”.
-“A subgroup analysis was done comparing children with normal and reduced GBEF (Table 3). Mean delay in diagnosis (6.5 ± 2.0 vs. 2.3 ± 1.2 years, p < 0.001) and OCTT (96.2 ± 14 vs. 56.1 ± 12 min, p < 0.001) were significantly higher in children with reduced GBEF. […] The delay in diagnosis had a significant negative correlation with baseline GBEF on HBS (r = −0.5, p < 0.001) and percentage postprandial GB volume change on USG (r = −0.3, p < 0.01), […]”.
-“After ensuring GFD for 6 months, the subgroup of children with reduced GBEF had significant improvement in GBEF parameters as assessed by both HBS (increase to 74% from 19%) and USG (increase to 52% from 24%), indicating that a GFD can reverse the abnormalities of GB motility in children with CD. GFD results in the reconstitution of normal villous architecture with return of normal CCK cell function, leading to an improvement in GB motility”.
-“To conclude, GB dysmotility can occur in children with CD, especially if the diagnosis is delayed, but it is reversible with adherence to GFD. GB hypomotility may translate into gallstone disease, with its related complications, in adulthood if CD is left untreated”.

Abbreviations: ref., reference number; CCK, cholecystokinin; PZ, pancreozymin; GIP, gastric inhibitory peptide; GB, gallbladder; S.E.M., standard error of the mean; GBEF, gallbladder ejection fraction; CMPE, cow’s milk protein enteropathy; IELs, intraepithelial lymphocytes; i.v., intravenous administration; i.d., intra-duodenal administration; n or N, number.