Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies.
First author, year of publication | Place and country | Urban or rural setting | Data collection time frame | Collection sites | Evaluation of potential host abundance | Mosquitoes species observed* | Mosquitoes collection strategies | Mosquitoes collected* | Blood meals identified (tested)* | Host species identified |
Kothera, L., 2020 [37] | Chicago, IL (USA) | Urban (Residential) | July–August, 2012 | 8 residential, 1 public park | Point count survey | Cx. pipiens complex | Backpack aspirators | 887 | 840 (1,023) | 15 avian, 3 mammalian (incl. humans) |
Cx. restuans | 72 | |||||||||
Hannon, E.R., 2019 [33] | Las Vegas, NV (USA) | Urban | August–September, 2016 | 76 | Citizen science data ( | Cx. quinquefasciatus | Gravid trap | 2,462 | 164 (195) | 19 avian, 3 mammalian (incl. humans) |
Thiemann, T.C., 2011 [39] | Davis, CA (USA) | Rural (Farmstead) | May–October, 2008 (late summer) and January–June 2009 (winter) | 3 (+2 control) | Point count survey | Cx. tarsalis | Dry-ice baited CDC-style traps and aspirator | NA | 851 (925) | 29 avian, 7 mammalian (incl. humans), and 1 reptile |
Hamer, G.L., 2009 [22] | Chicago, IL (USA) | Suburban | May—October, 2005–07 | 11 residential, 4 semi-natural (2005); 21 residential, 5 semi-natural (2006); 15 residential, 4 natural (2007) | Point count survey and captures | Cx. pipiens | CDC light traps, gravid traps, and backpack aspirators | 1,483 | 1,043 (1,483) | 25 avian, NA mammalian |
Cx. restuans | 18 avian, NA mammalian | |||||||||
Mendenhall, I.H., 2012 [34] | Sonso Lake, Cauca Valley, (CO) | Rural | July—August, 2008 | Each avian census point (16) and additional 5 | Point count survey | Cx. erraticus | Backpack aspirators, resting boxes | 1,515 | NA | 9 avian, 5 mammalian (incl. humans), and 1 reptilian |
Estrada-Franco, J.G., 2020 [38] | Reynosa, Tamaulipas (MX) | Semi-urban | May–July, 2018 and September–November, 2018 | 16 households | Point count survey and questionnaire census | Cx. quinquefasciatus | Resting boxes, CDC backpack aspirators, BG sentinel traps and AGO traps | 10,711 | 388 (475) | 11 avian, 9 mammalian (incl. humans), and 1 reptilian |
Mackay, A.J., 2010 [40] | East Baton Rouge Parish, LA (USA) | Urban, sub-urban and rural | November 2002-October 2004 | 18 | North American Breeding Bird Survey (NABBS) 2003–2004 | Cx. quinquefasciatus | CDC light traps, and CDC gravid traps | NA | NA (1,097) | 47 avian and 16 mammalian |
Kilpatrick, A.M., 2006 [36] | Maryland and Washington, DC (USA) | Urban and residential | May–September, 2004 | 3 urban, 2 residential | Point count survey |
Cx. pipiens Cx. restuans |
CDC light traps, CDC gravid traps, and backpack aspirators | Approx. 23,000 | 163 (181) | NA |
Rizzoli, A., 2015 [35] | Veneto Region, Italy | Rural and peridomestic | May–October, 2012 | 10 rural, 1 peridomestic | Point count survey | Cx. pipiens | BG sentinel traps | 206 | 188 (206) | 31 wild avian species |
*Reported are only the absolute numbers of mosquitoes considered for this review. Absolute numbers of mosquitoes from other species collected or tested during the study were not reported.