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. 2022 Oct 27;16(10):e0010819. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010819

Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies.

First author, year of publication Place and country Urban or rural setting Data collection time frame Collection sites Evaluation of potential host abundance Mosquitoes species observed* Mosquitoes collection strategies Mosquitoes collected* Blood meals identified (tested)* Host species identified
Kothera, L., 2020 [37] Chicago, IL (USA) Urban (Residential) July–August, 2012 8 residential, 1 public park Point count survey Cx. pipiens complex Backpack aspirators 887 840 (1,023) 15 avian, 3 mammalian (incl. humans)
Cx. restuans 72
Hannon, E.R., 2019 [33] Las Vegas, NV (USA) Urban August–September, 2016 76 Citizen science data ( Cx. quinquefasciatus Gravid trap 2,462 164 (195) 19 avian, 3 mammalian (incl. humans)
Thiemann, T.C., 2011 [39] Davis, CA (USA) Rural (Farmstead) May–October, 2008 (late summer) and January–June 2009 (winter) 3 (+2 control) Point count survey Cx. tarsalis Dry-ice baited CDC-style traps and aspirator NA 851 (925) 29 avian, 7 mammalian (incl. humans), and 1 reptile
Hamer, G.L., 2009 [22] Chicago, IL (USA) Suburban May—October, 2005–07 11 residential, 4 semi-natural (2005); 21 residential, 5 semi-natural (2006); 15 residential, 4 natural (2007) Point count survey and captures Cx. pipiens CDC light traps, gravid traps, and backpack aspirators 1,483 1,043 (1,483) 25 avian, NA mammalian
Cx. restuans 18 avian, NA mammalian
Mendenhall, I.H., 2012 [34] Sonso Lake, Cauca Valley, (CO) Rural July—August, 2008 Each avian census point (16) and additional 5 Point count survey Cx. erraticus Backpack aspirators, resting boxes 1,515 NA 9 avian, 5 mammalian (incl. humans), and 1 reptilian
Estrada-Franco, J.G., 2020 [38] Reynosa, Tamaulipas (MX) Semi-urban May–July, 2018 and September–November, 2018 16 households Point count survey and questionnaire census Cx. quinquefasciatus Resting boxes, CDC backpack aspirators, BG sentinel traps and AGO traps 10,711 388 (475) 11 avian, 9 mammalian (incl. humans), and 1 reptilian
Mackay, A.J., 2010 [40] East Baton Rouge Parish, LA (USA) Urban, sub-urban and rural November 2002-October 2004 18 North American Breeding Bird Survey (NABBS) 2003–2004 Cx. quinquefasciatus CDC light traps, and CDC gravid traps NA NA (1,097) 47 avian and 16 mammalian
Kilpatrick, A.M., 2006 [36] Maryland and Washington, DC (USA) Urban and residential May–September, 2004 3 urban, 2 residential Point count survey Cx. pipiens
Cx. restuans
CDC light traps, CDC gravid traps, and backpack aspirators Approx. 23,000 163 (181) NA
Rizzoli, A., 2015 [35] Veneto Region, Italy Rural and peridomestic May–October, 2012 10 rural, 1 peridomestic Point count survey Cx. pipiens BG sentinel traps 206 188 (206) 31 wild avian species

*Reported are only the absolute numbers of mosquitoes considered for this review. Absolute numbers of mosquitoes from other species collected or tested during the study were not reported.