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. 2022 Oct 27;7:127. doi: 10.1038/s41541-022-00550-5

Table 4.

Model parameters.

Parameter description Symbol Parameter value or prior value Reference Note
Transmission dynamic models
Duration of infectiousness
 First infection 1/γ1 10 days 6567
 Second infection 1/γ2 7 days
 Subsequent infection 1/γ3 5 days
Relative risk of infection following
 First infection σ1 0.76 5861
 Second infection σ2 0.6
 Subsequent infection σ3 0.4
Relative infectiousness
 Second infections ρ1 0.75 58,59,68
 Subsequent infections ρ2 0.51
Proportion of RSV infections leading to hospitalization
 First infection 6874

The probability of hospitalization given infection was estimated as the product of the probability of hospitalization given lower respiratory tract infections, the probability of lower respiratory tract infections given symptomatic infection (IS), and the probability of symptoms given infection: PrhospI=PrhospLRI×PrLRIIs×PrIsI

We estimated the age-specific probability by fitting polynomial regressions to reported aggregate probabilities for 3-month or 6-month age groups

 0–1 months old hp,01 0.082
 2–3 months old hp,23 0.048
 4–5 months old hp,45 0.027
 6–7 months old hp,67 0.016
 8–9 months old hp,89 0.012
 10–11 months old hp,1011 0.012
 1 year old hp,1y 0.010
 2–4 years old hp,24y 0.007
5 years old hp,5+y 0.001
 Second infection hs,a 0.4*hp,a 59
 Third+ infection ht,a 0 75
Waning rate of maternal immunity and cocooning effects (1/months) ω logN(1,0.6) 4649,76
Transmission parameter* q N(3,1) 39 Truncated at (1, 5)
Amplitude of seasonality α N(0.2,0.05) 39
Timing of seasonality ϕ N(3.4,1) 39 Truncated at (0, 2π)
Reporting fraction θ beta(2,2) 39
Vaccine efficacy parameters
Relative risk reduction in infants σi



5,12,45 Maternal immunization
Relative risk reduction in mothers σm



12,25,45 Maternal immunization
The duration of vaccine-induced protection 1/ωv 150 days 12,4649 Maternal immunization
The duration of protection of extended half-life monoclonal antibodies 1/ωmAb

275 days

(150 days – 400 days)

9,27,47 Extended half-life monoclonal antibodies
The probability of seroconversion ξ



39,50 Live-attenuated vaccines
Duration of shedding of vaccine virus 1/γv 5 days 39,50 Live-attenuated vaccines
Coverage parameters
Ideal coverage Ci 85.0%–95.0%
Realistic coverage
Maternal immunization CrMat 53%–70% 50
Extended half-life monoclonal antibodies CrmAb 70%–82% 52
Live-attenuated vaccines CrLive 70%–86% 52

*The basic reproductive number (R0) was estimated from R0=det(βa,k)γ1=det(qCa,k)γ1, using the next-generation matrix method; the transmission parameter q was fitted to the data, Ca,k is the contact matrix scaled by the proportion of the population within each age class.