Fig. 1.
Thirty-three-year-old man who sustained injury to both eyes from recoil of ruptured elastic exercise band. A. Fundus photo of the right eye showing mild vitreous hemorrhage, macular commotio retinae, and subretinal hemorrhage. B. Fundus photo of the left eye showing significant vitreous hemorrhage obscuring details of the posterior segment. C. Fluorescein angiography of the right eye with hyperfluorescence in the area affected by commotio retina indicating traumatic retinal pigment epitheliopathy and hypofluoresence due to blockage from subretinal hemorrhage. D. Late fluorescein angiography of the left eye with diffuse hyperfluorescence in the macula suggestive of traumatic retinal pigment epitheliopathy, and a faint outline of a macular hole. E. Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography of the right eye showing temporal hyperreflectivity in the outer retina and subretinal fluid at the fovea. F. Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography of the left eye showing traumatic macular hole with intraretinal and subretinal fluid.