Fig. 2. Optogenetic activation of CRFHy neurons promotes avoidance behavior.
A Schematic of in vivo cell-attached recording of CRF neurons expressing ChR2-mcherry. B Recordings from CRF neurons upon stimulation with 473 nm light at 3 mW shows that single pulses do not drive spiking reliably, but prolonged stimulation causes robust spiking. C Schematic of the optogenetic behavior setup. D White vs blue light choice index for transgenic and non-transgenic sibs. E–H Kinematics of choice behavior for white light (white bars) and blue light zones (blue bars), for swim speed (E), entry numbers (F), latency (G), and entry duration (H). I, J Zone transition decision at the boundary of white light-blue light zone: bar graphs showing precent of zone transition events and schematic showing transition along with formula to calculate % zone transition events for cross over to blue zone (Light- > Bo- > Blue, I) and to light zone (Blue- > Bo- > Light, J). For all graphs, normality test was performed to assess gaussian distribution and Mann–Whitney test (for D, I, J), Kruskal–Wallis test and Dunn’s multiple comparisons test (for E–H) were performed. n = 35 (non-TG), 36 (TG),*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.0001, error bars representing SEM.