Fig. 3. Type 3 nutcracker phenomenon.
A. Schematic diagram of the LRV narrowed and stretched anterior to the AA. B, C. Type 3 compression of the LRV in a 74-year-old male with microscopic hematuria and proteinuria. Greyscale (B) and color Doppler US (C) images of the LRV show that the LRV is narrowed and stretched over the AA (a). Note the bright-colored jetting of the blood flow (arrowheads) from the site where the LRV is narrowed by stretching over the AA. In addition, scanty flow signals in the dilated proximal LRV indicate slow flow (asterisk). Supplementary video 3 is a video-clip of color Doppler US (C). AA = abdominal aorta, LRV = left renal vein, US = ultrasound