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. 2022 Oct 28;9(1):e46. doi: 10.1002/vro2.46


Demographic characteristics and descriptive statistics for initial and cross‐validation samples

Initial validation (N = 1151) Cross‐validation (N = 440)
Demographic characteristics
Age (M/SD) 45.83/11.52 37.28/10.89
Years in the field (M/SD) 18.12/11.47 11.63/9.04
Gender (N, %)
Male 931, 80.9% 400, 90.9%
Other or prefer not to say 214, 18.6% 38, 8.6%
Ethnicity (N, %)
White or Caucasian 1044, 90.7% 401, 91.1%
Asian American or Pacific Islander 31, 2.7% 5, 1.1%
Latin American or Hispanic 19, 1.7% 22, 5.0%
African American or Black 4, <1% 3, <1%
Native American or indigenous 3, <1%
Other or prefer not to say 35, 3.0% 6, 1.4%
Setting (N, %)
General practice 975, 84.7% 175, 39.8%
Specialty referral/emergency 155, 13.5% 235, 53.4%
Other (includes academic) 21, 1.8% 30, 6.8%
Position of employment (N, %)
Veterinarian 1151, 100% 99, 22.5%
Certified veterinary technician/nurse 99, 22.5%
Veterinary assistant (unlicensed) 86, 19.5%
Customer service representative 70, 15.9%
Management 70, 15.9%
Other (e.g., social media, social worker) 16, 3.6%
Measure descriptive statistics (Mean/Standard Deviation; min–max)
Burden Transfer Inventory
Total Frequency 62.94/16.70; 0–131 59.54/23.62; 0–127
Total Reaction 35.66/18.19; 0–99 50.30/25.07; 0–127
Burden Transfer Inventory‐Abbreviated
Total Frequency 20.78/5.63; 0–40 18.19/7.85; 0–40
Total Reaction 10.79/5.48; 0–32 14.13/7.43; 0–40
Perceived Stress Scale 18.05/6.54; 0–36 19.61/5.71; 3–34
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory
Personal burnout 313.05/123.97; 0–600 350.40/118.65; 25–600
Work‐related burnout 348.99/126.58; 0–625 378.35/141.08; 25–700
Client‐related burnout 275.83/146.41; 0–600 268.98/139.33; 0–600