Mutation of Spr2 blocks embryogenesis and endosperm development. A, The top part represents the gene structure of Spr2, and the lower represents the protein structure of SPR2. The predicted SPR2 protein contains four P-type PPR motifs (P). Mu insertions in two alleles were indicated by triangles. B, A self-pollinated spr2-1/+ ear. Arrows point to spr2-1 mutant kernels. C, A self-pollinated spr2-2/+ ear. Arrows point to spr2-2 mutant kernels. D, Allelic test of spr2-1 and spr2-2 alleles. Arrows point to spr2 mutant kernels. E and F, Mature WT (E) and spr2-1 (F) kernels. G and H, Dissection of mature WT (G) and spr2-1 (H) kernels. I–N, Comparison of WT and spr2-1 kernel development at 10 DAP and 15 DAP. WT kernels at 10 DAP (I and M) and 15 DAP (K); spr2-1 kernels at 10 DAP (J and N) and 15 DAP (L). En, endosperm; Em, embryo. Scale bars, 1 mm in (E–H); 0.5 mm in (I–N).