Fig. 1. Transcriptomically-defined cell taxonomy of anthropoid primate dlPFC.
(A) Species (human – red; chimpanzee – blue; macaque – green; marmoset – yellow) and homologous dlPFC areas (blue) analyzed using snRNA-seq. (B) Overview of the snRNA-seq dataset, depicting information from innermost to outermost as: UMAP of all nuclei; dendrogram of hierarchically related subtypes; subtype proportions; marker gene expression; species representation in each subtype (color conforming to panel A); 4 classes; 29 subclasses; 114 refined subtypes. The subtypes detected only in some species are highlighted. See fig. S3A for a more detailed description. IT, intratelencephalic; ET, extratelencephalic; NP, near-projecting; CT, corticothalamic; ChC, chandelier cells; Astro, astrocyte; Micro, microglia; Oligo, oligodendrocytes; OPC: oligodendrocyte precursor cells; Endo, endothelial cells; RB, red blood lineage cells; PC, pericyte; SMC, smooth muscle cells; VLMC, vascular leptomeningeal cell.