Table 3. Incidence of Dry Eye Results.
Source | Etiology (DED and/or MGD) | Measurement method: components contributing to diagnostic standards | Diagnostic standards | Incidence denominator | Incidence numerator | Incidence, % (95% CI) | Cumulative incidence or incidence rate (period of data collection) | Cumulative incidence normalized to 5-y incidence | Characteristics used to stratify incidence or report an association | Annual incidence, % | Overall risk of bias |
Chi et al,37 2012 | DED | Relevant ICD codesa | ICD-9 codes | NR | NR | 23.3 (NR) | Cumulative incidence (1994-2008, 15 y) | 7.8% | Year of incidence estimate (annual incidence)b; NRc; NRd | 1994: 1.17; 1995: 1.21; 1996: 1.24; 1997: 1.33; 1998: 1.35; 1999: 1.35; 2000: 1.40; 2001: 1.49; 2002: 1.58; 2003: 1.59; 2004: 1.62; 2005: 1.63; 2006: 2.11; 2007: 1.81; 2008: 1.83e | H |
Dana et al,32 2019 | DED | Relevant ICD codesf; CPT codes for procedures and prescriptionsg; prescription fillsh | (1) Overall DED | (1) NRi | (1) 58 126j | (1) NR | Cumulative incidence (2008-2012, 5 y) | 3.5% (All ages); 0.96% (18-39 y); 2.60% (40-49 y); 6.48% (≥50 y) | Age, sex, year of incidence estimate (annual incidence)b; NRc; NRd | All ages: 2008: 0.55; 2009: 0.61; 2010: 0.68; 2011: 0.74; 2012: 0.87 | M |
(2) Unspecified DEDk | (2) NRi | (2) 32 341j | (2) NR | 18-39 y: 2008: 0.15; 2009: 0.17; 2010: 0.18; 2011: 0.20; 2012: 0.26 | |||||||
(3) Specified DEDl | (3) NRi | (3) 2705j | (3) NR | 40-49 y: 2008: 0.42; 2009: 0.46; 2010: 0.51; 2011: 0.56; 2012: 0.65 | |||||||
(4) Sjögren-type DEDm | (4) NRi | (4) 1716j | (4) NR | ≥50 y: 2008: 1.03; 2009: 1.15; 2010: 1.28; 2011: 1.40; 2012: 1.62 |
Abbreviations: CPT, Current Procedural Terminology; DED, dry eye disease; H, high; ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision; M, moderate; NR, not reported.
ICD-9 codes 375.15 or 370.20 or 370.21 or 370.33 or 370.34 or 372.53 or 710.2.
Stratified by characteristic.
Characteristic included in univariate analysis.
Characteristic included in multivariate analysis.
Extracted using an online graph digitizer.
Driving indicators: 370.33, keratoconjunctivitis sicca; 370.34, exposure keratoconjunctivitis; 372.53, conjunctival xerosis; 375.15, tear film insufficiency, unspecified; 710.20, sicca syndrome, Sjögren; nondriving indicators: 370.20, superficial keratoconjunctivitis; 370.21, punctate keratitis; 714.0, rheumatoid arthritis; 695.4, discoid lupus erythematosus; 710.0, systemic lupus erythematosus; 373.34, discoid lupus erythematosus of eyelid.
Driving indicators: 68 760, closure of the lacrimal punctum (by thermocauterization, ligation, or laser surgery); 68 761, punctal plugs; 09.91, obliteration of lacrimal punctum.
Driving indicator: restasis prescription fill for cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion.
Reported as approximately 7.4 million.
2012 Annual incidence numerator.
Using ICD-9 codes 375.15 and 370.33, at least 1 of each or 2 of the same.
Using ICD-9 codes nondriving indicators 370.21 and 370.20, at least 1 of 370.21 or 370.20 and 1 driving indicator (375.15 or 370.33).
Using ICD-9 codes driving indicator 710.2, at least 2 of 710.2 or 1 of 710.2 and 1 driving indicator (375.15 or 370.33).