Table 1.
Micro-level built environment approach | Mean (±SD) |
Benches (e.g., along a walking/biking path) | 9.0 (±3.14) |
Playground improvements | 8.0 (±3.96) |
Crosswalks or mid-block crossings | 7.1 (±3.48) |
Bike racks | 6.9 (±3.45) |
Shared use agreements (e.g., permission to use school or homeowners' association facilities) | 6.9 (±4.15) |
Painted intersections (to slow traffic and promote walking) | 6.7 (±2.49) |
Lighting along streets or walking/biking paths | 6.6 (±3.48) |
Safe routes to school | 6.5 (±2.75) |
Park improvements | 5.8 (±3.11) |
Pedestrian signs (e.g., wayfinding signs with distance and time to walk or bike to destinations) | 5.1 (±3.68) |
Landscaping or beautification projects (e.g., downtown cleanup, planting trees or flowers, adding art or decorative items) | 5.0 (±3.42) |